European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI)
MACSI is a member of ECMI, a European consortium of academic institutions and industrial companies that acts co-operatively with the following aims:
- To promote and support the use of mathematical models in any activity of social or economic importance.
- To educate Industrial Mathematicians to meet the growing demand for such experts.
- To operate on a European scale.
Professor Stephen O’Brien served as ECMI president from 2014 to 2015 and vice-president in 2012 to 2013.
ECMI blog
MASCI has been featured on the ECMI blog which provides an up-to-date interactive forum for European activities in Industrial Mathematics. MACSI researchers post on a variety of topics from their experience of carrying out a PhD with industry to ideas of engaging students in mathematics at university open days. More information here

European Service Network of Mathematics for Industry and Innovation (EU-MATHS-IN)
MACSI represents Ireland in EU-MATHS-IN , an organisation that aims to leverage the impact of mathematics on innovations in key technologies by enhanced communication and information exchange between and among the involved stakeholders on a European level.
MACSI supports, EU-MATHS-IN as it pursues the following long-term goals:
- Establish strategic connections among the national networks and centers working in the field of industrial mathematics and mathematics for innovation
- Create a European service unit that can foster the competitive advantage of the European industry through international cooperation
- Promote the technological aspects of mathematics raising public awareness
- Stimulate the cooperation at European level of mathematical research with companies and administrations
- Establish a one-stop-shop at European level for industrial users of mathematical scientific research results
- Provide European industry, in particular SMEs, with a competitive advantage taking profit of the scientific excellence of the continent (give Europe the possibility to cash a “scientific dividend”)
- Acquire funding for the performance of activities that serve the realisation of the Foundation’s aims.
If you wish to join the Irish National Network please email

MACSI is a member of the MI-NET, Mathematics for Industry Network, which is is a COST Action funded project (TD 1409).
MI-NET aims to facilitate more effective widespread application of mathematics to all industrial sectors, by encouraging greater interaction between mathematicians and industrialists.
Mathematics underpins all of modern science and technology but advances in mathematical research are not always applied to maximum advantage in industry. The objective of this Action is to create a Europe-wide partnership to promote collaboration in, and the benefits of, industrial mathematics. The Action will coordinate and support Industrial Workshops,European Study Groups with Industry (ESGI), Modelling Weeks, and Short-Term Scientific Missions to both academic and industrial hosts. Exploiting the mathematical knowledge and methodologies of academics will provide European industry with a competitive advantage. Universities will benefit, as mathematicians are able to focus on particularly relevant and cutting edge research problems. The training of Early-Career Investigators in particular will lead to a new generation with problem solving and communication skills and collaborative links that will be essential to maintain the goals of this Action in the future long after this funding has finished.