This e-resource has been designed to support second-level school staff to learn about gender identity and gender expression and proactively ensure that schools are inclusive of trans and gender diverse young people.
If you wish to find out more about the research project from which this e-resource was developed, click here.
This e-resource is divided into sections with corresponding worksheets in the workbook that can be completed in one or multiple sittings. This first section contains the aims of this e-resource as well as guidance on how to use this e-resource. Please take some time to read this information before completing the self-assessment worksheet in the workbook.

Aims of this E-Resource
This e-resource facilitates you to:
- Gain insight into the everyday experiences of and challenges faced by trans and gender diverse young people in schools
- Reflect on how trans and gender diverse young people can be affirmed and supported in your school
- Explore how your school could work proactively to ensure that it is an inclusive and welcoming place for trans and gender diverse young people
How to use this E-resource
We envision this e-resource as a proactive professional learning exercise that would ideally completed by educators prior to knowingly interacting with a trans or gender diverse student and as part of a whole-school initiative.
Below is a suggested guide for using this e-resource.
Step 1
Download the workbook. This workbook contains worksheets that correspond to each section of the e-resource.
Step 2
Click into and engage with each section of this website in turn. Take notes and complete the corresponding worksheet in the workbook.
Step 3
Once you have completed each of the sections, review the worksheets in your workbook.
Step 4
Come together as a whole-school staff exercise or as part of a team in your school (e.g. Equality & Diversity) to reflect on the questions/issues raised by your completed workbooks.
Step 5
Contact an advocacy organisation, such as TENI, to organise a whole-staff education session.
Step 6
Co-construct a gender identity and gender expression policy and action plan for your school arising from your collective work.
Step 7
Communicate the policy and action plan to staff, students and parents.
Step 8
Review your gender identity and gender expression policy and action plan periodically and update as necessary.
Next steps
Please complete ‘Worksheet 1: Self-Assessment’ and then continue to Section 2: Key Terms