BR4022 “The European Union: Broadening the Perspective”
Broadening module, 6 ECTS credits
Module Co-ordinator
Dr Michaela Schrage-Früh, School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics, MC-1008.
Teaching Team
Dr Anita Barmettler (MLAL); Dr. Rory Costello (P&PA); Dr Michaela Schrage-Früh, (MLAL; module co-ordinator); Dr. Timothy Murphy (Education)

Module Description
This module will offer students who would otherwise not engage in European Studies an opportunity to learn about and discuss key aspects of the European Union and the process of European integration. While imparting factual information on key aspects of the history, institutions and politics of the European Union will be prominent in the first half of the module, the second half aims to actively engage students in discussions about topical issues, such as migration, climate change, demographic change and the war in Ukraine, but also reflections about the future of the European Union.
The module is interdisciplinary in nature and will include and integrate the areas of politics, cultural studies and language studies. It aims to counteract the perception of the European Union as a top-down political enterprise by encouraging students to see it as one dependent on the active engagement of citizens. The module will also address the role of ERASMUS in shaping a sense of EU citizenship. By reserving a proportion of places on this module to ERASMUS students from as wide a range of member states as possible the module will bring the multilingual and multi-cultural European experience into the classroom and will make the different national perspectives an integral part of the discussions.