KBS Script Viewing Days
Students are offered the opportunity to view their exam scripts if they sat an in-hall end of semester exam at the University of Limerick. Please read all the below information on KBS Script Viewing Days carefully before submitting your application.
KBS Script Viewing Days for AY2024-25 Autumn Semester Exams will take place on Wednesday, 29 January and Thursday, 30 January 2025 in KB2-13, on the second floor of the Kemmy Business School. Please note these are not the same date advertised by Academic Registry on the UL Academic Calendar. KBS have pushed out these viewing days to allow additional time for students to apply to view their scripts. The deadline for grade rechecks remains the same: Monday, 3 February 2025.
If you would like to view an exam script at our KBS Script Viewing Day, please complete this form by 12:00 on Friday, 24 January 2025. No late applications will be accepted. You must complete one form per script you wish to view. This form is only for students who wish to view a physical script from an in-hall exam.
Please note: If you sat an MCQ (multiple choice) assessment, applying through the script viewing process will afford you the opportunity to view the exam paper and the bubble sheet only. You may not be provided with the correct answers to the exam questions.
Conditions for KBS Script Viewing Days
- KBS Script Viewing Days are for students who wish to view scripts from Business modules only (Accounting, Risk Management & Insurance, Economics, Marketing/Management and HR). Should you wish to view Law, Maths, Languages, History, Politics or Sociology modules, please contact the relevant Faculty/Department to check their viewing arrangements.
- The closing date for receipt of applications to view scripts is strictly Friday, 24 January 2025 at 12:00. No late applications will be accepted.
- You will be contacted in advance of 29 January with details on attending the Viewing Day.
- Students must produce their ID card to gain entry to the viewing room. If you have misplaced your student ID card, you will need to contact Academic Registry for a replacement in advance of the viewing days.
- Students may not be accompanied in the viewing room.
- Students may view their script(s) but are not permitted to copy them or remove them from the viewing room. You can bring in your own notepaper and take notes if you so wish, but you will not be allowed to write on your exam paper.
- Mobile phones are not allowed while viewing scripts.
- Calculators are permitted.
- Invigilators are present in the room to supervise the viewings. They are not in a position to advise students about the content of their exam papers during the viewing day process.
- Following on from a script viewing, any student can apply to have their grade rechecked if they so wish. If this is the case, please contact Academic Registry directly. Note that there is a fee of €25 per script.
Online Exams and Assignment-based Assessments
For modules with online exams or modules with assignment-based assessments only, students may request a breakdown of their overall grade by completing this form. Please note this form should only be completed if your means of assessment was by online exam or by assignments only.
Completed grade breakdowns will be circulated to applicants by email on or before the dates of the KBS Script Viewing Days. You are not required to physically attend the viewing days.
Queries can be directed to bbs@ul.ie (BBS students) or baib@ul.ie (BA International Business students).
Peer Supported Learning Centre
The Regional PSLC is a cross-institutional centre for promoting effective, learner focused Peer Supported learning systems by building on the experience and expertise in Peer Supported learning in all Shannon Consortium partner institutions, particularly that related to UL's highly successful academic enrichment programme known as the Peer Supported Learning Centre (PSLG).
KBS Research Ethics
The KBS Research Ethics Committee is charged by the University to consider the ethics of proposed research projects which will involve human subjects and to agree or not, as is the case, whether the projected research is ethical. View further information
Email: business@ul.ie
Postal Address: Faculty Office, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.