With a reputation for excellence in business education, the triple accredited Kemmy Business School @ UL is one of Ireland’s leading business schools, providing a first-class education designed to prepare graduates for successful and rewarding careers.
Testimony to the schools commitment to operate at the highest standards of international business education is its position among the 1% of international business schools who are holders of three coveted international business school accreditations, namely AACSB, EQUIS & AMBA.
With triple accreditation the school’s recognition at this level is evidence of its commitment to deliver nothing short of excellence in business education, research and impact.
KBS is one of just 4 Irish business schools to hold triple accreditation alongside the UCD College of Business, Trinity Business School in TCD and, more recently, DCU Business School.
Visiting peer review panels have commended the KBS on several areas including its leadership, research impact, partnerships and its strong value-based ethos, encapsulated in the Jim Kemmy legacy.
Achieving each of these international accreditations is a process of rigorous internal focus, evidencing of ongoing improvement and peer-reviewed evaluation.
EQUIS is an international system of quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of business schools administered by the EFMD (European Foundation for Management Development).
AACSB accreditation is gained by schools showing commitment to strategic management, learner success, thought leadership, and societal impact. It is the longest-serving global accrediting body for business schools with its accreditation being the hallmark of excellence in business education.
The school holds accreditation from the Association of MBAs (AMBA) for its Executive MBA programme, since 2014. AMBA’s rigorous accreditation criteria and assessment process ensure that only programmes that demonstrate the highest standards in teaching, learning and curriculum design; career development and employability as well as student, alumni and employer interaction achieve AMBA accreditation. AMBA currently accredits MBA programmes from the top 2% of business schools in more than 75 countries globally.
KBS was the first Irish business school to become a member of the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) network. Additionally, KBS is a PRME Champion school – a leadership group within PRME. Membership of this network is an important catalyst for initiatives within the school such as the implementation of a university graduate attributes initiative that highlights the importance of inculcating qualities such as responsibility in our graduates.
In another first in Ireland, KBS is the first business school in Ireland to have been awarded the prestigious Athena Swan Silver award in 2023, marking the schools’ ongoing efforts to achieving equality, diversity and inclusion.
Among the discipline-specific international and national accreditations held by KBS programmes are Psychological Society of Ireland (PSI); Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Centre of Excellence and Project Management Institute Global Accreditation Centre (GAC).

KBS EQUIS Accreditation Team, Dr Sarah MacCurtain, Michelle Carroll, Ita Page and Dr Deirdre O’Shea pictured with UL President Prof Kerstin Mey and KBS Executive Dean Prof Finbarr Murphy
Email: business@ul.ie
Postal Address: Faculty Office, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.