Membership of the CCJVS has grown significantly in recent years. Originally, our membership base centred on the members of the faculty at the School of Law researching in the area of criminal justice. While School of Law faculty remain central to the centre’s membership, the centre now hosts an increasingly diverse membership.
Notably, the members of the Research Evidence into Policy, Programmes and Practice (REPPP) project team, led by Dr Sean Redmond, joined the School of Law and the CCJVS in 2016, contributing significantly to the research output and activity of the centre.
The centre has also been fortunate to attract other full-time postdoctoral researchers who are working on funded projects within the centre, as well as a vibrant group of PhD candidates working on a variety of innovative research projects under the supervision of CCJVS faculty members.
The centre also has been honoured to secure the support of a number of adjunct professors who support the centre by sharing their expertise with the centre and offering their time to participate in CCJVS events. Their contribution to the centre’s development and continued success has been invaluable and provides an important bridge between the centre and the wider criminal justice system.