Philip Desmond
Student Engagement and Support Officer (SESO)
Science and Engineering
Book an Online Appointment
Phone: +353 61 237 894
Email: philip.desmond@ul.ie

Cynthia Adubango
Student Engagement and Support Officer (SESO)
Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Book an Online Appointment
Phone: +353 61 202 838
Email: Cynthia.Adubango@ul.ie

Ronan Keane
Student Engagement and Support Officer (SESO)
Kemmy Business School
Book an Online appointment
Phone: +353 61 202 831
Email: Ronan.Keane@ul.ie

Andrea Crockett
Student Engagement and Support Officer (SESO)
Education and Health Sciences
Book an Online Appointment
Phone: +353 61 237 892
Email: Andrea.Crockett@ul.ie
Frequently Asked Questions
You will be invited to have a 30 min friendly chat with your respective Student Engagement & Support Officer. The meeting will be student centred, only discussing what you bring to the meeting. Then we will look at the options available to you and plan the next steps.
Where relevant our team may need to refer you to another service, staff member, or department in the university.
The Student Engagement & Support Officers assist full time undergraduate students in their faculty. Students who are unsure of who to contact can contact our team by emailing seso@ul.ie
Struggling academically, Personal/Health Issues, Financial concerns, Course Uncertainty, Terminating your Enrolment (Leaving your Course), Internal Transfers, Family Issues/Homesickness, Bereavement. This list is not exhaustive, and students should still contact an SESO even if their issue is not mentioned here. There is never an issue too big or too small.
Confidentiality agreement
UL Student Engagement and Support Officers offer a strictly confidential service. This means that what you say stays within the service. Your personal details are not disclosed to anyone outside of the service without your permission. Where you give specific consent, we may liaise with other individuals or agencies to support your care. There are two circumstances in which UL Student Engagement and Support Officers may need to break confidentiality and one circumstance where we are legally obliged to break confidentiality. We may break confidentiality if you disclose a risk of harm to yourself or harm to others. If the service believes that you or someone else is in danger of serious harm then we may take steps to minimise this danger and will discuss these steps with you where possible. We are legally obliged to break confidentiality if you disclose child abuse (i.e., physical abuse; sexual abuse; emotional abuse) or neglect. Such incidents must be reported to TUSLA (the Child and Family Agency) whether they relate to risk in the present (current disclosure) or risk in the past (retrospective disclosure). UL Student Engagement and Support Officers will clearly articulate what this will mean for you should this happen.
The service maintains electronic case-notes on all clients. Doing so helps staff recall and think about each student’s personal situation. Access to this electronic database is provided only to authorised staff within the student support service. Your personal data is collected and processed in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) / Data Protection Acts 1988-2018 and with the University's Student Data Protection Privacy Notice. Should you wish to access your file, you can formally request access to your personal data by making a Data Protection Access request or a Freedom of Information request.
Consent to liaise with supports
Depending on your circumstances, it may be useful for members of the service to liaise with staff members of the university/campus to support you. Such staff members include but are not limited to: tutors; lecturers; placement co-ordinators; accommodation managers; student affairs; and student academic administration. The Student Engagement and Support Officers will always discuss potential liaison with you in advance. Unless your safety is at risk, we will not liaise without your consent.
Data retention
Personal data and case-notes are stored for 7 years in compliance with data regulations and the UL records management policy. All data is stored on a limited access site.
Feedback and Complaints
We ask for feedback from all students who use the service as it enables us to ensure a quality service. You will be sent an invitation to complete an online feedback questionnaire at the end of your engagement with the service.
In the event of a complaint regarding the service, we encourage you to first bring it to the attention of your student engagement and support officer. If this is not possible or suitable, you can contact the Student Support and Development Manager. Alternatively, you may express yourself via the feedback link on Student Affairs website. Please check the Student Complaints Policy and Procedure for further information.
There may be times when a Student Engagement and Support Officer feels another support service may be better equipped to support the student, we will only refer students after receiving permission to do so from the student.
Student Engagement and Support Officers recognise there may be times when parents/guardians may have concerns or questions, in relation to their son’s or daughter’s experience here in UL. The Student Engagement and Support Officers wish to cultivate a relationship with all students based on trust and confidentiality. If you have concerns, we will ask first that you encourage your son/daughter to contact our team. If the student wishes for us to communicate directly with you, we require written permission to do so, all correspondence will be copied to the student for the purpose of transparency.
Best of luck to all students on results day!
We understand the anticipation and nerves that come with results day. Be proud of your achievements and the progress you have made.
If, however, things did not go to plan, you might be wondering about your next steps. We want to reassure you that there is lots of support available across the university to help you work through your options. So, take a breath, and remember you don’t have to go through this by yourself. Please reach out to us if you need help to understand your options, by booking an appointment via Student Engagement and Support Officers or via email seso@ul.ie. Our colleagues in the Student Counselling and Wellbeing Services team are also on hand if you would like some extra support Student Counselling and Wellbeing Service | University of Limerick (ul.ie).
Commonly asked questions
- When will my results be released?
Your results will be available to view online as per the Academic Calendar.
- How can I access my results online?
- Outstanding fees owed -If there are unpaid fees on your account, a hold will be placed on your results. Your results will be released on payment of fees. Queries regarding fees should be addressed to the Student Fees Office Student.fees.office@ul.ie or you may wish to visit the Fees Office counter during the times specified here.
- Technical issues- Contact ITD for technical support by logging a call via Login (topdesk.net) /, select IT Services
- What do I do if I don’t know my username or have forgotten my password?
If you have forgotten your password, you can reset it by following these steps:
- Go to www.si.ul.ie
- Enter your email address.
- Select 'Can't access your account?'
- Follow on screen instructions.
If you still have issues log a call with ITD Login (topdesk.net) (select ‘Forgotten Password)
- I did not meet the Minimum Standards for Progression. What do I need to do to progress on my course?
- Following the release the spring semester results, you should have received a Progression Decision Email from the Academic Registry with instructions on what you are required to do next. To progress on your course, you are required to follow instructions on your Progression Decision Email. Progression | Minimum Standards for Progression - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
- If you have any questions or require support understanding your Progression Decision Email, please book an appointment with one of us via here or email us via seso@ul.ie or log a call with the Academic Registry Office via Topdesk Academic Registry | University of Limerick (ul.ie) for guidance.
- I feel I deserved a different result, what can I do to address this? First step, submit a request to View your Script from the relevant Department responsible for the module/s if you believe an error has occurred and not because you are unhappy with your grade.
- Kemmy Business School
- Science & Engineering
- Education & Health Sciences
- Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences
- Requests may be made up to 2 weeks after exam results are published as per the Academic Calendar.
- Be aware that viewing is limited to the current semester assessment/ exam material only.
Second step, after viewing your script, you may want to consider requesting for a grade re-check. Grading: Grade Recheck.
- Can I appeal a grade- recheck?
- How do I find out if I have to repeat module/s at the Annual Repeats Exams/ Assessment period?
- Students with deficient grades will receive a Progression Decision email following results which will include any repeat requirements. Please check your student email for this communication.
Annual Repeats: About Repeat Exams / Assessments - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
Annual Repeats: Register for Annual Repeats - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
Annual Repeats: Mandatory / Voluntary Repeats - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
Progression | Minimum Standards for Progression - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)/
What is a Progression Decision Email?
- Following the release of exam results, students who did not achieve the minimum standards for progression Progression | Minimum Standards for Progression - UL| SSP (topdesk.net), will receive communication from the Academic Registry Office, with instructions about your next steps.
- If you did not receive this email contact Academic Registry via Topdesk Academic Registry | University of Limerick (ul.ie) for guidance.
Handbook of Academic Regulations and procedures
- You may be eligible to re-take the exams/ assessments during the Summer Exam Period. Annual Repeat Exams/ Assessments
- Contact Module leader to notify them of your intentions re-take the exam/assessment and to confirm details/ format of your assessment /exams.
- Check that the module is repeatable, refer to the Non-Repeatable Modules List
- I received I, NG, N, F on my results script, what do they mean?
- F- Fail (no compensation allowed)
- NG- Fail (no compensation allowed)
- N- Failure in a module taken on a pass/fail basis.
- I- I-Grade
Handbook of Academic Regulations and procedures
- Can I proceed to the next phase of my course, if I have QCA of 2.00 with deficient grades? Unfortunately, you cannot progress on your course, until you have successfully cleared the deficient grades. Progression | Minimum Standards for Progression - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
- What are compensating fail grades [ D1&D2] do I have to repeat it?
If your QCA is 2.0 or greater, you may be able to progress on your course with compensating fail grades.
- Follow instructions on your Progression Decision Email.
Progression | Compensating Fail Grade - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
- Can I take a voluntary Annual Repeat Exams/ assessments even though I have passed all my exams?
- If I fail a module/ s, what is the process for taking the Annual Repeat Exam?
As a first step, consult your Module leader to check if a repeat exam/ assessment sitting/ retake opportunity is available to you. Refer to the next step.
- Should I register to re-take my exams / assessments?
- You must register to take the Annual Repeat Exams/ Assessments.
Annual Repeats: Register for Annual Repeats - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
- Are there fees for taking Annual Repeats?
Progression | Minimum Standards for Progression - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
- Will my repeat exams/ assessments be capped?
Annual Repeats: About Repeat Exams / Assessments - UL| SSP (topdesk.net).
- How many modules can I re-sit in an academic year?
Annual Repeats: About Repeat Exams / Assessments - UL| SSP (topdesk.net)
- Are there financial supports for taking repeat exams/assessments?
If you are experiencing financial hardship, please contact John.Campion@ul.ie; Studentsupport@ul.ie for assistance/ guidance.
- Can I take my Annual Repeats in a different country?
Students are expected to sit exams in UL.
- What supports are available to assist with preparing for repeat exams/ assessments?
- Seek guidance from Module leader- contact details can be found under Book of Modules using the module code.
- Learning Centres
- Past Exam paper depository
- How can I view my transcript?
- As a final Year student what does Annual repeats mean for me?
If you are a final year student, you will need to pass all modules before being eligible to graduate.
Links to important information/ contacts
Student Hub Online Login (topdesk.net) Phone 061233755 Service Desk, Main Building Room E0-001
If you are still unsure about your next steps, have any questions or require support understanding your results, please book an appointment with one of us via here or email us via seso@ul.ie
A downloadable resource containing valuable information for students who commute to university.