• If a continuous fire alarm sounds, please leave the building immediately by the nearest exit.
  • Use of this computer lab is restricted to UL users. Usage is governed by the University’s Code of Conduct for computing resources available at Policies & Procedures.
  • Each user is responsible for all usage of their account. It is prohibited to access another user’s account.
  • The software in this lab is updated each year in accordance with the requirements of academic staff.
  • Please report any PC faults including the PC lab name, PC number and any error message by logging a call at https://ul.topdesk.net/
  • Offensive, obscene or indecent images or material must not be created, transmitted or displayed on PC lab computers. Please refer to the Code of Conduct for full information.
  • Users are not permitted to see University of Limerick’s computing or networking services for any activity which transmits material in such a way as to infringe the copyright or intellectual property rights of another person or organisation unless you have the express permission of the holder of the copyright, this includes the copying of music and the use of the internet to distribute music, videos etc in any way.
  • This is a work area and users should respect it accordingly keeping unnecessary noise to a minimum.


The following is strictly forbidden

  1. Playing computer games, eating, drinking and chewing gum, connecting power supplies from PCs/ monitors to privately owned devices isn’t permitted.
  2. Please keep your ID card with you at all times and if requested by security or ITD staff to leave the room or to show your student ID, please do so immediately.
  3. When you have finished your session, please logout. If you do not logout, the next user has access to all your files and you are responsible for all actions such a person might take. Do not leave logged-in PC’s unattended. Registered users are entitled to reboot any unattended PC for their own use.