My name is Gavin and here's why I picked UL. To be honest, reasons are countless. From the minute I arrived at UL for a football match back in Transition Year, I knew there and then that I would spend four years of my life here. Even though four years seems like a long time, it isn’t. I am coming to the end of my undergraduate degree at the moment, where I hope to qualify as a P.E and Maths teacher, and I can honestly say it feels like yesterday that I started.

The first day I walked into Kilmurry Village to meet new housemates that would eventually become my best friends for life….the day I walked into my first lecture unaware what I was facing….the day I became a member of the UL family, it only feels like yesterday that it all began. So yes, four years is a long time and yes, it is a difficult decision as to where you will devote four precious years of your life, but UL will certainly not leave you down.
For me, I had a very different college experience to others. Over the past few years my footballing career was taken to a whole new level. Winning an All-Ireland title with my club in first year would eventually propel me into a Senior intercounty setup with Kerry, where there are no room for mistakes. So I think it is fair to say that my experiences in college are a lot different in comparison to all of my colleagues. But that it didn’t bother me in the slightest.