6th International Conference of the International PPP Scholars Network (IP3SN)
The Privatisation and PPP Research Group at the University of Limerick hosted the 6th IP3SN annual conference from September 21-22 (co-organised by Dr. Eoin Reeves and Dr. Dónal Palcic). This was the sixth in a series of conferences on PPP that commenced in 2012. Previous conferences were held at the Copenhagen Business School, Sauder Business School, University of British Columbia, Monash University, Cornell University and the University of Antwerp. As part of the conference a half day seminar and networking reception for industry practitioners was also organised. Over 60 practitioners attended the event and speakers on the day included: Prof. Graeme Hodge (Monash University, Mr, Cormac Murphy (European Investment Bank), Mr. Gerard Cahillane (National Development Finance Agency), Mr. David Conway (Limerick 2030) and Dr. Rory Hearne (NUI Maynooth).
Click here for the final programme of presentations delivered at the conference.
International Conference: Public Perceptions of Public-Private Partnerships
Dr. Eoin Reeves of the Privatisation and PPP Research Group at the University of Limerick co-organised an international conference on PPP with Cornell University and the Universitat de Barcelona. The conference titled Public Perceptions of Public-Private Partnerships will be held in New York City on September 15-16th. This was the fourth in a series of conferences on PPP that commenced in 2012. Previous conferences were held at the Copenhagen Business School, Sauder Business School, University of British Columbia and Monash University in Melbourne. Follow-up conferences will be held at the University of Antwerp in 2016 and the University of Limerick in 2017.
Click here for more detailed information on the conference and the programme of speakers.
Seminar: The Challenges of PPP in Turbulent Times
The ‘Stimulus Plan’ announced by the Irish Government in July 2012 places Public Private Partnerships at the heart of plans for national economic recovery. The majority of projects earmarked for investment under the €2.25bn plan will be procured under PPP. However, mobilising a renewed wave of PPP procurement in Ireland will be challenging for reasons such as constraints on the availability of private finance and the complexities of procurement under PPP.
The Challenges of PPP in Turbulent Times seminar brought together academics, public sector procurers, and private sector participants to explore the challenges involved in a new wave of PPP procurement in Ireland. The seminar was jointly hosted by the Privatisation and PPP Research Group at the University of Limerick and the Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy at Cornell University, USA.
Speakers on the day included:
Prof. Rick Geddes, Cornell University, USA [click here for Infrastructure Policy];
Dr. Edgar Morgenroth, Economic and Social Research Institute [click here for presentation slides];
Mr. Brian Murphy, Chief Executive, National Development Finance Agency [click here for presentation slides];
Dr. Eoin Reeves, University of Limerick [click here for presentation slides].
To view more details on the event click here.
Launch of Privatisation in Ireland: Lessons from a European Economy
Privatisation in Ireland: Lessons from a European Economy co-authored by Dónal Palcic and Eoin Reeves was officially launched by the Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan, and the President of the University of Limerick, Prof. Don Barry, on June 8th 2011 at the Royal Irish Academy in Dublin.
Email: business@ul.ie
Postal Address: Faculty Office, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland.