edel kearney, masters graduate, holding her parchment
Friday, 2 February 2024

Congratulations to Edel Kearney who recently graduated with an MA in Human Rights and Criminal Justice. Edel graduated from the UL School of Law as an undergraduate with her BA in Criminal Justice in August 2022. 

Edel's dissertation was titled 'Adopting the Norwegian Model in Irish Prisons: A socio-legal Comparison of the Irish and Norwegian Prison Systems'. The dissertation analysed the potential benefits and implications of adopting aspects of the Norwegian model within the context of the Irish Prison system. Despite reforms and attempts to transform Ireland’s prison system and penal practices from its highly punitive approach of the past to a more human-rights and rehabilitative based system, Edel asserts that recidivism rates remain high. Edel's dissertation was supervised by Dr Laura Donnellan. 

In expressing her delight at graduating, Edel remarked: 'This parchment is testament to the hard work, time and commitment I gave throughout my Master’s degree and indeed my undergrad'. 

We in the School of Law would like to wish Edel all the best in her future endeavours.