The Faculty of Science and Engineering is well recognised for the quality of its research expertise. It is host to world-class research institutes and centres, spanning the areas of manufacturing, materials, crystallisation and crystal engineering, modelling and fluid dynamics, software engineering, mathematics and statistics, food and health-related technologies, all of which are underpinned by well-established links with industry. This document gives an overview of the research interests within our departments and for our faculty.
School of Engineering: Composite and Aerospace Materials; Manufacturing; Fluid Mechanics; Microfluidics; Energy and Thermofluids; Biomedical Materials and Devices; Environmental Engineering.
School of Design: Design for Health / Medical Device Design; Human Factors in Industry and Health; Design for Sustainability and Society; Design Practice and Education; Spatial and Urban Planning Research.
Department of Mathematics and Statistics: Industrial Mathematics; Mathematical Modelling and Asymptotics; Fluid Mechanics; Inverse Problems and Imaging; Complex Networks and Stochastic Dynamics; Optimisation; Numerical Analysis for Partial Differential Equations; Survival Analysis and Machine Learning; experimental design, biostatistics, applied statistical modelling, data visualisation, statistical data mining, spatial statistics and image analysis, Bayesian statistics, statistical modelling for industry.
Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering: Electronic Circuits and Systems; Sensors and Instrumentation; Robotics and Control; Energy and Environment; Communications; Cyber Security, IT Forensics, Computer Systems and Software, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Internet of Things, NLP and Text Analytics, Optical Fibre Sensors; Machine Vision.
Department of Computer Science and Information Systems: Algorithms and High Assurance SW / Systems; Automating Software Generation; Autonomous Systems; Computer Graphics; Data Analytics / Data Management; Machine Learning and AI; Security and Information Governance; Software Engineering; Code and Humanities; Digital Audio / Platforms / Video; Games / Playable Media; Human Computer Interaction; Interaction Design.
Department of Biological Sciences: Food Science and Health; Environmental Biology; Animal Science; Bioscience; (Neurobiology and Host-Microbe Interactions).
Department of Chemical Sciences: Crystal Engineering; Protein Crystallisation; Environmental Science; Clean Tech; X-ray Structural Analysis; Biomass and Biofuels; Pharmaceutical and (Bio)Chemical Processing; (Bio)Catalysis; Nanomaterials.
Department of Physics: Advanced Microscopy and Characterisation including leading-edge and atomic scale Transmission Electron Microscopy and Spectroscopy; Atomic Scale Materials Design and Novel Biomaterials; Energy – Storage, Materials and Transport; Nanophotonics and Plasmonics; Complex Systems; Magnetism.
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Jim Bradley - Mental Health in the Construction sector, Training and Development in Construction, Comms/ Teamwork and Management systems, Productivity in Construction PM
Reena Cole - Energy Management and Renewable Energy, specifically Air Source Heat Pumps; Engineering Pedagogy
Maurice Collins - Sustainable and Biomedical polymers and hydrogels. Tissue Engineering. 3D printing and bioprinting of polymers and hydrogels. Sustainable Carbon Materials for example Carbon Fibre for composites and porous carbons for batteries. Thermoelectric materials. Electroactive materials. Recycling of plastics and composites. Lignocellulose materials. Drug delivery.
Anthony Comer - Polymer Composites for Offshore Renewable Energy and Marine Structures - manufacture and characterisation
Tom Cosgrove - Structural Analysis of Bending Active Gridshells; Action Research in Engineering Education Dalton Tara Microfluidics, Viral RNA Detection, High Throughput PCR Technology
Vanessa Egan - Thermal Management Systems, Multi-Phase Flows, Microfluidics, Experimental Techniques for Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics
Patrick Frawley - Process Modelling, Control and PAT for crystallization in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
Philip Griffin - Low Speed Aerodynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid-Structure-Interaction Modelling (particularly Wind Turbines and Rotorcraft). Vibration and Aeroacoustic Simulation
Ingrid Hunt - Supply Chain Operations, Next Generation Employability, Industry Education, Elearning
Jacques Huyghe - Gels, cells and mechanotransduction, Coronary blood perfusion, cardiac mechanics and finite elements
Hassan Kaghazchi - Industrial automation, Industrial Communications networks
Kyriakos Kourousis - Metal plasticity, metal additive manufacturing, airworthiness
Michael McCarthy - Mechanics of composite materials. Computational and experimental characterisation. Composite Joints. Crashworthiness of composite structures.
Conor McCarthy - Digital Twin Technology, Joining and Assembly, Lightweight Structures
Sean Moore - Experimental Design Lean, Six Sigma, Industry 4.0, Business Process Improvement
John Mulvihill - Mechanical and Structural characterisation of biological tissue, cellular mechanobiology in diseased states, in vitro mimics of in vivo disease, concussion, blood-brain barrier
John Murnane - Resource recovery and remediation of mine leachates, Fate and transport of agricultural nutrients
David Newport - Biomicrofluidics, In-Vitro Experimental Modelling, Sensing Techniques
Andrew Niven - Aircraft Aerodynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Wind Tunnel Testing.
Noel O'Dowd - Computational solid mechanics. Fracture Mechanics. Metallic and composite materials
Ronan O'Higgins - Innovative manufacturing techniques and processes for composite materials; development of efficient and robust composite structure repair techniques; and mechanical and numerical characterisation of composites materials.
Vincenzo Oliveri - Computational mechanics, composite materials and structures, structural dynamics, aerospace structures
Jeff Punch - Thermal Energy Management (Heat Transfer, Fluid Dynamics, aspects of Materials Engineering), Vibrational Energy Harvesting (Non-Linear Dynamics)
Jeremy Robinson - Aluminium alloys for aerospace. Residual stress measurement, characterisation and prediction in heat treatable materials.
Alan Ryan - Industry 4.0, Automation, Process Improvement (quality, supply chain) Sustainability
Anthony Rynne - CAD Modelling Systems Strategic Training and Applications; Web-based training
Orest Shardt - Direct numerical simulations of multiphase flows, colloidal systems, lattice Boltzmann method, transport phenomena
John Spillane - Construction 4.0; Quality; Digital Construction; Certification; Dispute Resolution; Procurement; Mental Health and Well-being
Walter Stanley - Composite materials manufacture and mechanical and physical characterisation, recycling of plastics for a circular economy, NDI of composites.
David Styles - Life cycle assessment; Environmental foot-printing of food, energy and materials systems.
David Tanner - Finite element analysis of complex manufacturing processes including additive manufacture. Residual stress determination and metals characterisation and prediction.
Peter Tiernan - Mechanical Testing of Metallic Materials at Low-High Temperatures, Fracture Mechanics, Control Systems
Harry Van den Akker - Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Multiphase Flow, Mixing, Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Flow and Transport Phenomena, Chemical Reactors
Michael Walsh - Cardiovascular Mechanics. Biological Sioft Tissue Characterisation. Urodynamics
Pat Walsh - Building Energy Modelling, Design of Sustainable Energy Systems, Design of Heat Transfer Systems, Microfluidics and Multiphase-Flow transport
Paul Weaver - Composite materials, structures and manufacturing particularly related to renewable energy, aerospace and transport.
Trevor Young - Sustainable aviation technologies; composite materials; wind energy (turbine blade durability)

Peter Carroll - Architectural Practice and its Relationship to Architectural Education, Irish Timber Technology and the Potential Application of Juvenile Irish Timber in Construction, and the Expansion of 18th Century Limerick notably its ground condition and the relationship it has to the built fabric of the city.
Eamonn Curtis - Design Practice and Education
Niall Deloughry - Medical device innovation, User centered design, Design for Health Design Practice & Education
Jan Frohburg - Design education as well as the history and theory of modern architecture and the spatial expression of modernity, focusing on concepts characteristic to the work of Mies van der Rohe
Bernard Hartigan - Medical device innovation, User centered design, Design for Health, Ergonomics, Design Practice & Education
Gráinne Hassett - Architecture, Conservation, Urbanism, Spatial Justice, Human Migration and spatial effects
Elizabeth Hatz - Teaching, writing, exhibiting and practice-based research, with an interest for the idea of permanence (and transience) in architecture; alteration and obduracy in architecture as artifact and place
Louise Kiernan - Medical device innovation, User centered design, Design for Health, Design Practice & Education
Dermot McInerney - Circular Economy, Design Practice & Education
Muireann McMahon - Design for Sustainability, Design for Social Change, Design for Health and Wellbeing, Circular Economy, Design Practice & Education
Kellie Morrissey - Experience-centred design, design for wellbeing, design for mental health, design research ethics, qualitative methods, ageing, women's health.
Tom Moylan - Utopian theory and practice (cultural and political), utopian agency
Leonard O' Sullivan - Medical device innovation, 3D printing/additive manufacturing, User centered design, Ergonomics, Design for Health
Kevin O'Sullivan - Medical device innovation, 3D printing/additive manufacturing, User centered design, Ergonomics, Design for Health,
Aidan O'Sullivan - Medical device innovation, 3D printing/additive manufacturing, User centered design, Ergonomics, Design for Health
Anna Ryan Moloney - Landscape, the coast, writing, photography
Irénée Scalbert - Architecture critic and historian interested in what makes architecture popular in the context of an architecture firm
Simon Walker - Conservation of mid-20th buildings, urban planning and local governance structures
Eoin White - Medical device innovation, 3D printing/additive manufacturing, User centered design, Design for Health, Ergonomics, Patient-centred desig, Medical Device Regulatory and Validation Systems and Design Practice and Education

Norma Bargary - Applied statistics and the development of statistical models for time-course/functional data using the mixed effects model; developing clustering algorithms for high-dimensional functional data across a wide range of areas including sports, medicine, physiotherapy, biomechanics, water quality monitoring, and biology.
Eugene Benilov - Fluid mechanics, physical oceanography, kinetic theory
Kevin Burke - Statistics, survival analysis, reliability, networks, health, engineering, finance.
Andrew Fowler - Glaciology: glacier flow, ice sheet dynamics, basal sliding, subglacial hydrology, glaciology on Mars. Geophysics: mantle convection, dynamics of the Earth's core, solidification, processes in magma chambers, magma transport. Earth-surface processes: river networks, dunes, drumlins. Other environmental: bioremediation, plant physiology. Industrial: alloy solidification, two phase flow. Nonlinear dynamics: chaos in differential equations, turbulence, shear flows, convection. Time series analysis. Differential-delay equations. Medical and biological: respiratory and cardiac physiology, leukaemia, stem cell dynamics, medical data analysis, immunology.
James Gleeson - Complex networks, stochastic dynamics, mathematical modelling, industrial mathematics
Alan Hegarty - Numerical analysis of singularly perturbed differential equations
Natalia Kopteva - Numerical analysis for partial differential equations
Eberhard Mayerhofer - Stochastic Processes (Focus: High-dimensional Affine Markov Processes) Mathematical Finance (Focus: Portfolio Selection)
Stephen McGuire - The field of Number Theory, in the area of metric. Diophantine approximation. Diophantine approximation can be considered as a more quantitative and general study of the density of the rationals Q in the reals R. Currently interested in the lonely runner conjecture.
Cliff Nolan - Inverse Problems; Imaging; Partial Differential Equations; Microlocal Analysis; Fourier Analysis.
Stephen O'Brien - Industrial mathematical modelling, coating and thin film flows, heat and mass transfer, porous flow, capillary problems, Stefan problems.
Doireann O'Kiely - Fluid mechanics and elasticity; mathematical modelling of real-world systems using partial differential equations and asymptotic analysis; dynamics of thin viscous and elastic sheets, motivated by applications such as glass manufacture and elastic wrinkling; fluid-structure interactions, and mathematics for chemical reactions.
David O'Sullivan - Applications of networks science. How network structure effect the spreading of information and behaviour. The social mechanisms that allow for the emergence of different behaviours on networks. How social networks can shape and be reflective of the online and real-world debate around public deliberative process (such as the Irish Marriage referendum). How to use social networks to isolate groups with differing attitudes. How differing groups interact and how their connectivity meditates the information diffusion between them. Also interested in the application of statistical methods to real-world problems for industry.
Helen Purtill - The development of profiles using cluster and latent class methodologies in population studies such as TILDA (The Irish LongituDinal Study of Aging), design and analysis of randomised control trials, meta-analyses, validity and reliability studies and modelling injury data in elite sports.
Jean Rizk - Phase-type distributions, in particular, Coxian phase-type (CPH) distributions. These models are used in the analysis of time-to-event data. Time-series, survival analysis, and time-dependent queueing theory.
James Sweeney - Applied statistical modelling; spatio-temporal analysis; image analysis, with applications in medical imaging; experimental design of clinical trials; Bayesian statistics; and high-performance statistical computing.
Michael Vynnycky - Energy: fuel cells, redox flow batteries, lithium ion batteries. Industrial processes: continuous casting, high pressure die casting, electrolytic pickling, brazing. Bio/pharma: freeze-drying, drug eluting stents
Cathal Walsh - Bayesian Inference, Disease Modelling, Vaccines, COVID-19, Statistics, Health Economics

Michael Connelly - Photonic devices - semiconductor lasers, ring lasers, semiconductor optical amplifiers. Optical metrology – interferometric vibration and high-voltage sensing, optical coherence tomography; Optical communication systems – optical logic, wavelength conversion, coherent data communications.
Richard Conway - Computer arithmetic, VLSI and FPGA design, high speed pipelined architectures for DSP and telecommunication systems and embedded systems.
Thomas Conway - VLSI and analogue IC design, signal processing and coding for data storage, power electronics and electric vehicles
Reiner Dojen - Data and Network Security: Cryptography, Cryptanalysis, Cryptographic Protocol Verification. Artificial Intelligence: Automated Reasoning, Neural Networks. Current research projects include: Development of tools for automated cryptographic protocol verification; development of novel techniques for automated reasoning and development of new network security architectures
Colin Fitzpatrick - Technology and sustainability including the Circular Economy, Electronics Repair & Reuse, WEEE Management, Electricity Demand Management, Conflict Minerals, Planned Obsolescence, & Environmental Sensing
Colin Flanagan - Intelligent robotics; Congestion control in wireless and fixed networks; Computer Architecture; Optical Fibre Sensors
Ian Grout - Microelectronics, design and test, design for testability (DfT), remote engineering, programmable logic devices
Martin Hayes - Robust Control, Robust Performance Assessment. Characterisation and computation of the Structured Singular Value. The Control & Instrumentation Group is currently engaged in the development of procedures for the certification of new control laws for complex systems where human safety is paramount. Project work includes Robustly safe Lane-keeping for the Stanford DDL Urban Transport Vehicle (in conjunction with PEI Technologies) and the automatic control of Depth of Anaesthesia (in conjunction with the UL Biomedical Electronics Centre).
Elfed Lewis - Optical fibre sensors. Current projects include the measurement of a wide range of environmental parameters including vehicle exhaust gas emissions, food quality, temperature. Microwave Laser Electric Field and Ozone. The Optical Fibres Sensors Group is also currently engaged in extending single point fibre sensors to multi point (multi sensor element) sensors on a single fibre using advanced signal processing techniques in order to facilitate distributed sensing.
Ciaran MacNamee - Real-Time Embedded Systems, Internet of Things and LPWAN, Applications of LPWAN to environmental monitoring
Hussain Mahdi - Text data mining & analytics, knowledge organisation & linked data, information retrieval & information extraction, as well as signal, speech, and NLP. Learning analytics, inquiry-based learning, collaborative and student-centred active learning.
Sean McGrath - Mobile communications, communication theory, Channel Based Secure Communications, Image Coding for Mobile Channels, mobility Modelling, Ad Hoc Networks, Radio Resource Management, Ultra-wideband systems, Location based systems.
Kevin Murphy - General signal processing, information theory, circuit & systems architecture, and wireless communications.
John Nelson - Signal processing, sensors and context aware sensing for health and assisted living; Ambient assisted living with a focus is on vital signs, fall, mobility and activity detection; Biomedical applications: SpO2 monitoring, blood pressure, stent migration, rehabilitation; ICT for depression; Wireless Systems with an emphasis on low power, cross layer optimisations and diagnostics; Edge computing, machine learning and data processing.
Thomas Newe - Data Security for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and the Internet of Things (IoT); Cyber Security for IT and OT systems
Eoin O'Connell - IoT around the topics of cyber-physical modelling, digital twinning, system scalability, security vulnerabilities, edge processing techniques and sensor development
Karl Rinne - Mixed-signal IC design. Integrated high-frequency power conversion. Digital power management. Modeling and design of micro-magnetic components. On-chip and in-package high-voltage insulation.
Dan Toal - Ocean Engineering Operations Technology and Systems R&D for: Marine Renewable Energy; Marine Search and Rescue; Salvage; et.; Robotics systems development for ocean survey, infrastructure inspection and intervention. Smart robotic systems including underwater robots; surface vehicles; airborne systems; land vehicles; manufacturing; and medical robots. Off shore wind energy research, floating wind, airborne wind energy and integration of offshore wind/wave/tidal to grid.; Remote & auto flight control of robotic vehicles. Long range high bandwidth communications - remote presence, live interaction and control of distant robots. Image based real-time interaction (for flight control and intervention) of robot systems with and in their environments.
Pepijn Van de Ven - The support of (mental) health interventions using mobile ICT. Assessing user context and behaviour such as to inform the delivery of intervention specific information exactly at the right time. Tools for intelligent care provider support.
Jacqueline Walker - Synchronization, time and frequency transfer; Development of a system for precise and accurate one-way time transfer over geostationary satellites, Signal Processing of biomedical signals, speech and music. Modelling audio spaciousness and singing voice morphing. Metastability and synchronizers. Characterisation and evaluation of the metastability performance of a novel enable flip-flop design using simulation tools.

Gabriela Avram - Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Interaction Design, Sustainability, Social Media, Cultural Heritage, Knowledge Management, Urban Informatics, Community Informatics, DIY practices
Jim Buckley - Architecture Reconciliation, Programmer Information Seeking, Source code analysis towards feature location/clone detection in software maintenance
JJ Collins - Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering Colreavy
Simon Donnelly - Games, Graphics, Virtual Reality, AI, Machine Learning
Katie Crowley - Health Informatics De Wille Tabea Social Localisation, Quality perceptions, Localising crowdsourcing, Software localisation and internationalisation, Translation technology
Malachy Eaton - Evolutionary Humanoid Robotics English Michael Software Metrics, Software Quality, Programme Languages, Teaching & Learning Computing, Object-Oriented Programming
Chris Exton - Software Understanding & Comprehension, Crowdsourcing, Data Visualisation, Games Development, CDSS
Brian Fitzgerald - Agile Methods, Open Source Software, Inner Source, Software Engineering, DevOPs
Kerry Hagan - Music Composition, Generative & Algorithmic, Real -Time Processes, Spatial Audio
Patrick Healy - Graph Drawing, Combinatorial Optimization
Mike Hinchey - Software Engineering, Autonomous Systems, Formal Methods
Tiziana Margaria - Service Engineering of process, Model driven generative development, Formal Methods, Compliance & Governance
Mark Marshall - Human-computer Interaction, interaction design, tangible and embodied interaction, Internet of Things, Augmented and Virtual Reality
Annette McElligott - Multilingual Ontologies, Health Models
Lilian Motti Ader - HCI, Digital Health, Accessibility, Motion-based interaction, Gait Analysis
Nikola Nikolov - Data Mining, Text Mining, Visual Analytics, Graph Drawing, Recommendation Systems
Bashar Nuseibeh - Software Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Security & Privacy
Neil O'Connor - Electronics Music Composition, Multi-chanel music
Robin Parmar - Advanced Video Production Patten James Automatic Programming, Evolutionary Computation, Grammatical Evolution.
Ita Richardson - Global Software development, Software Engineering, Software process, Connected Health, Health Informatics
Conor Ryan - Automatic Programming, Evolutionary Computation, Grammatical Evolution.
Dermot Shinners Kennedy - Software Development Simpson Jurgen Digital Arts
Cristiano Storni - Science & Technology Studies, Interaction Design, Participation Design, Human centred design, qualitative research, design research
Giuseppe Torre - Digital Arts
Nicholas Ward - HCI Design, Games Music, NIME

Sean Arkins - Immunology of Domestic Animals; Animal Behaviour; Equine Husbandry
George Barreto - Neurobiology and neuroendocrine aspects of glial cells; Neuroendocrinology; Neuroinflammation; Neurodegeneration; Biological role of brain-targeted drugs
John Breen - Biodiversity and Ecology
James Brown - Molecular Mechanisms of Cancer, Breast Cancer, DNA Damage Response, Molecular Signalling, Targeted Therapeutics Development, Oncobiology
Tom Buckley - Rhodococcus Equi, Streptococcus Equi, Mycotoxins
Ken Byrne - Greenhouse Gas Balances in Terrestrial Ecosystems, Soil Carbon Stocks, Carbon Stocks in Harvested Wood Products
Jakki Cooney - Structure-Function Analysis of Bacterial Proteases, Immunomodulatory Enzymes; Protein Modelling; Bioinformatics
Ann Cullinane - Equine Virology, Clinical Virology, Molecular Diagnostics, Vaccinology
Sean Fair - Assisted Reproduction in both Humans and Farm Animals; Male Fertility and Sperm Physiology
Dick Fitzgerald - Bioactive Peptides - Functional Food Ingredients/Nutraceuticals; Food Protein Chemistry/Biochemistry; Food Enzymology
Andreas Grabrucker - Neuroscience, Cellular Neurobiology, Neuro-Nanotechnology
Daniel Granato - Bioactive compounds in foods: phenolics; Antioxidant activity and inflammation; development of functional foods; Dairy science and technology; statistical methods in food research; in vitro bioactivities; in vivo models of functionality; food analysis
Fabiana Hoffmann Sarda - Human Microbiome-Health Interactions (focus on diet and nutrition transition)
Eibhlis O'Connor - Human nutrition, dietary intake and intervention in healthy and clinical cohorts and impact on health/clinical parameters, diet/microbiota interactions, vitamin K-dependent proteins
Audrey O'Grady - Science education and insect ecology
Elizabeth Ryan - Immune regulation. Interaction of the innate and adaptive immune responses. Immuno monitoring of patients with special interest in developing predictive and prognostic biomarkers for cancer and autoimmunity (inflammatory bowel disease) Inflammation in tissue and the tumour microenvironment
Achim Schmalenberger - Soil microbiology, molecular environmental microbiology, soil nutrient cycling including sulphur cycling, fungal and bacterial weathering, biodegradation, Listeria in fresh-cut produce
Con Traas - Pomology, Tree Fruit Physiology and Apple Pathology Tsoupras Alexandros Inflammation-related Chronic Disorders; Mediators of Inflammation & Platelet-aggregation; Nutraceuticals & Bioactive Compounds from Foods & Related By-products; Elucidation of Structures & Structure-Activity-Relationships
Martin Wilkinson - Food Safety, Microbial Flow Cytometry, Safety and Sensory Aspects of Low Sodium Ready Meals, Autolytic and Permeabilisation Processes in Lactic Acid Bacteria, Accelerated Cheese Ripening, Food Enzymology
Bridget Younge - Mare and Foal Nutrition and Feeding; Feeding for Performance
Ioannis Zabetakis - Food Lipids, Inflammation, Cardiovascular Diseases, Functional Foods, Sensory Properties, Heavy Metals in Food Chain

Teresa Curtin - Materials, catalysis and adsorption.
Peter Davern - The crystallisation of APIs onto excipients: The work focuses on (i) methods (wet and dry impregnation, and ion exchange) to facilitate the crystallisation of APIs onto pre-formed particles or granules of excipients or excipient mixtures, and (ii) the development of surface treatment of excipients to make them more suitable as matrices on which crystallisation will occur.
Hugh Geaney - Energy Storage: Li-ion, Li-S, Li-O2, Na-ion batteries. Electrochemistry: Method development for battery testing. Full-cell testing of battery materials. Ex-situ analysis of materials. Materials Science: Materials synthesis and characterization. Nanomaterials: Nanowire catalysis, nanoparticle synthesis, porous material formation
Sarah Hudson - Manipulation of the physicochemical properties of small and large active molecules to improve their stability, solubility and dissolution rates with the ultimate goal of improving the bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients. explore the solution and solid state behaviour of these molecules both during formulation/manufacture into medicines and in biorelevant environments. Thermodynamics behind aggregation, crystallisation and precipitation in a range of solvents and bio relevant media and develops formulations and structures to control this solution/solid state behaviour.
Vasanth Kannuchamy - Gas storage, gas separations, carbon material synthesis, molecular modelling, crystal growth science, process analytical technology, purification of active pharmaceutical ingredients, in silico synthesis of porous materials and characterization, fuel cell catalysts, green carbons and waste water treatment.
Tadhg Kennedy - Development of high-capacity electrode materials for energy storage devices. His primary focus is on the application of nanostructured semiconductor anodes for next-generation lithium-ion batteries. He has considerable experience in the development of low-cost synthetic methods for lithium-alloying electrodes based on Si and Ge and the enhancement of their cycling performance through morphology control and electrolyte optimisation.
Witold Kwapinski - Energy and natural resources; Thermo-chemical processes; Biorefinery; Bio-oil upgrading; Bio-gasification; Pyrolysis; Char and nutrition processing; Heat and mass balances; Adsorption processes; Nutrients sorption; Biowaste processing; Numerical modelling of: heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, reaction engineering; Catalyses;
J.J. Leahy - Waste management and renewable energy. chemical technologies for biofuels and biorefining from wastes with particular interests in : Identifying the optimum thermochemical route (gasification, pyrolysis), & chemical hydrolysis route for the production of chemicals and second generation transport fuel from bio-waste. Using laboratory & pilot scale processing facilities to test & optimise the yield of selected product from characterised feedstocks. Develop and test catalysts/chemical processes for the production of and upgrading bio-oil. Develop state of the art pre-treatment processes, that will enable rapid and environmentally benign procedures for hydrolysis of the carbohydrate components in lignocellulosic materials. Demonstrate the feasibility of producing bio syngas and develop and test catalysts/chemical processes for production of alcohol or diesel fuels
Matteo Luis - Crystal Engineering, Solid Solutions, Solid State Reactions, Solid State Chemistry, Crystallography, Polymorphism Magner Edmond Electrochemistry, Bioelectrochemistry, Biocatalysis, Immobilisation of enzymes Biosensors, Bioenergetics, Mesoporous silicates, nonaqueous enzymology
Kieran McGourty - Stem cell differentiation; Stem cell niche; Extracellular matrix biology; Cell cycle; Intracellular trafficking; Cell signalling; Infection and immunity; Microbiome; Proteomics, transcriptomics, pathway analysis; Microscopy, especially high throughput imaging and confocal microscopy
Tom O'Dwyer - Waste Minimisation, Recovery & Recycling, optimisation of industrial waste seperation processes, application of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to environmental issues, absorbant design for water treatment, Nutrient (P, N) waste minimisation approaches in the biotechnology sector, removal and recovery of metals from watse streams.
Bernadette O'Regan - Environmental Science; Environmental Management; Simulation Modelling; Sustainability; Environmental Management Systems;
Emmet O'Reilly - The design, synthesis and characterisation of stimuli-responsive polymeric materials for biomedical and pharmaceutical applications. Synthesis of bio-degradable electroactive polymeric materials for in-vitro/in-vivo diagnostics and disposable electronics. Hydrogel/Silicone porous materials with tunable mechanical properties. Novel polymeric materials/processing approaches for improved pharmaceutics. Polymer synthesis/characterisation/functionalisation. Electrochemistry and Electrochemiluminescence (ECL). Spray-drying, NMR, Mass Spectroscopy, Electrochemistry.
Luis Padrela - The development of particle engineering technologies for small and large molecule APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients), with a particular emphasis in (bio)pharmaceutical nanomanufacturing, which includes: Pharmaceutical processing for large molecule APIs (biopharmaceuticals): Isolation and stabilization of biopharmaceuticals using spray drying and freeze drying Engineering and manufacturing of biopharmaceutical nanoparticles Pharmaceutical processing for small molecule APIs (pharmaceuticals): Continuous crystallization and drying of drug nanoparticles Supercritical Co2 processing for polymorphic control (Co)Crystal engineering
Tony Pembroke - Microbial biofuels; Metabolic engineering of cyanobacteria for liquid biofuels. Molecular manipulation of Synechocystis PCC6803; Gene knockouts in cyanobacteria; Improving carbob flux through genetic manipulation; Enhancement of gene expression in cyanobacteria; Use of cyanobacterial biomass to enhance process economics; Binding of metals to cyanobacterial EPS Metal bioremediation via cyanobacterial biosorption. Genomics of mobile elements particularly Integrative Conjugative Elements (ICE’s) of the SXT/R391 group and Ralstonia ICE’s. Microbial stress responses and adaptive genes to damage and heat, Autothermal waste processing (ATAD). Phylogenetics of thermal niches such as ATAD digesters of organic wastes. Safety of wastewater and transmission of antibiotic resistance determinants in wastewater. Biomaterials biocompatibility and novel biomaterials with antimicrobial and anti-biofilm properties. Lipid production from Rhodococcus opacus.
Vivek Ranade - Multi-scale/ multi-layer modelling of multiphase systems (CFD, CRE and machine learning) Flows with phase change: Cavitation and Crystallisation; Ensemble approaches: machine learning + phenomenological models; Development of fluidic devices without moving parts Vortex diode, Fluidic oscillators, Screw mixers, Intensified reactors, Enhancing performance of multiphase reactors; Stirred reactors, tubular reactors (pinched tubes), planar reactors; Developing applications & processes, Modular, intensified and continuous processes: diazotisation, hydrogenation, equilibrium limited reactions, Droplets (emulsions) and particles (crystals, nano-particles, catalysts), Valorisation of biomass: energy, chemicals, materials (fibres) Water & environment: dis-infection of water, advanced oxidation processes, S removal from fuels
Kevin Ryan - M Colloidal Nanocrystals; Nanorods;Nanowires, Silicon; Germanium; Cadmium Sulphide; Cadmium Selenide; Copper Indium Gallium Sulphide/selenide (CIGS); Dicopper-zinc-tintetrasulphide (CZTS); Nanorod Assembly; Electrophoretic Assembly; Charge based Assembly; Thin-films; Photoabsorbers; Lithium ion batteries.
Micheal Scanlon - Polarized liquid-liquid interfaces for novel approaches to energy conversion and storage, electrosynthesis, catalysis of energy related reactions, bioanalytical sensor and novel reflective mirror development.
Shalini Singh - Material Design – Nanomaterial synthesis via bottom-up and top-down approaches with special interest in functional 2-dimensional nanocrystals and nanocomposites; Surface Chemistry Study – Using NMR (Solution and Solid State), Electron Microscopy and XPS as toolbox to study surface dynamics of nanomaterials; Energy Conversion and storage – Application of nanomaterials in catalysis and battery applications
Tewfik Soulimane - Understanding the structure/function relationship of selected eukaryotic and prokaryotic membrane proteins making major contributions to the field of Bioenergetics. The unravelling of the crystal structures of the thermophilic cytochrome c oxidases ba3 and caa3 are recognised as monumental findings in Science. His research group encapsulates a broad range of multidisciplinary collaboration and contributes expertise in the areas of biochemistry, microand cell biology.
Luuk Van Der Wielen - Thermodynamics for bioprocesses, bioseparation/conversion technologies, multifunctional bioreactors, miniaturized (‘on-chip’), high-throughput technology for rapid process development, analysis and development of (bio)renewables production systems, and their societal impacts.
Matthias Vandichel - Computational catalysis (including electro and photo catalysis) and applications of kinetic modeling and Monte Carlo methods to study reaction networks and adsorption phenomena on heterogeneous material interfaces as well as the application of these techniques to describe adsorption and separation of molecules within crystalline porous materials. Electronic structure calculations; High-performance computing; Molecular Modeling; Chemical engineering thermodynamics; Process Control and Modeling
Gavin Walker - Pharmaceutical engineering, process engineering and mathematical aspects for materials processing
Gary Walsh - Enzyme biotechnology; Pharmaceutical biotechnology (Biopharmaceuticals); Curriculum design; Biomolecules; Industrial Biochemistry
Erzeng Xue - Development of catalysts and catalytic processes for syngas production, hydrocarbon conversions and waste treatment; Application of the concepts of Chemical Engineering in catalyst research and catalytic process development, aiming at optimising the performance of catalysts and improving the efficiency of catalytic processes; Exploring new techniques in catalysts and catalytic process development; Computer modelling and computer-aided design and optimisation of catalysts and catalytic processes
Michael Zawarotko - Fundamental and applied aspects of crystal engineering since 1990. Currently, metal-organic materials (MOMs), especially microporous and ultramicroporous sorbents, and multicomponent pharmaceutical materials (MPMs) such as cocrystals, hydrates and ionic cocrystals are of particular interest. These new materials are aimed at addressing global challenges such as carbon capture, water purification and better medicines.

Ursel Bangert - Advanced transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy, including in-situ TEM; Fundamental investigations of materials’ structural, electronic and plasmonic properties, and of tailoring these, on the atomic scale; 1-D and 2-D materials, including Graphene, and novel 2-D transition metal dichalcogenides; Aiming at development of these materials for practical use in nano-photovoltaics and quantum devices
Vincent Casey - Physical Electronics with specialist interests in Thin Films and Solid State Sensors
Ian Clancy - Statistical physics; computational physics; nonlinear dynamical systems; phase transitions and criticality; complexity.
David Corcoran - Statistical physics; Non-linear Dynamics; Complex Systems
Ning Liu - Nanophotonics; Nanoplasmonics Lynch Robert Energy Storage and Grid Stabilisation; Optical Monitoring of Vanadium Flow Batteries (VFBs); High Energy Density Electrolyte for VFBs; Specialist Reference Electrode for Hostile Environments; Anodisation of Semiconductors and Metals (e. Porous InP and TiO2nanotubes).
Isabel Pita - Optical antenna incorporation into nanoscale devices, nano-optic device component fabrication, light-emitting diode fabrication, nanowire and nanoparticle synthesis, surface plasmon enhancement, plasmonic circuits, and optical waveguide analysis.
Fernando Rhen - Physics of Nanoscale systems, fuel cells, energy conservation, materials synthesis, ICT, magnetics on Silicon and magnetism
Christophe Silien - Nonlinear optical spectroscopies and microscopies; Single molecule and nanoscale physics; Scanning probe microscopies; Self-assembly at surfaces
Andy Stewart - Transmission Electron Microscopy. Electron Diffraction. 3D Electron Diffraction. Nano Crystallography. Polymorphism. Automation of TEM. Phase Inverse Problems. In Situ TEM. CryoEM. Machine Learning. Metrology. Open Data Formats. Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). 4D Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy. Ptychography
Tofail Syed - Stem cell differentiation; Stem cell niche; Extracellular matrix biology; Cell cycle; Intracellular trafficking; Cell signalling; Infection and immunity; Microbiome; Proteomics, transcriptomics, pathway analysis; Microscopy, especially high throughput imaging and confocal microscopy
Damien Thomspon - Rational design of materials for energy-efficient electronics, medical devices and clean energy. High-performance computing. Molecular dynamics simulations. Electronic structure calculations; Bioinformatic
Postal Address: Science & Engineering Faculty Office, Lonsdale Building, 1st Floor, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland
Email: scieng@ul.ie
Phone: +353 (0)61 202109 or +353 (0)61 202642