Date: Friday, 24 May 2024
Time: 12pm


Friday, 24 May 2024 at 12h00
Venue MSG-024/025, Bernal Institute.


Throughout the field of particulate processing, the application of modelling techniques to predict, optimize, or otherwise enhance processes is widespread. A challenge remains in developing robust physical models for each mechanism that can accurately describe experimental observations. This work seeks to expand the state-of-the-art for modelling agitated crystallization processes and provides the foundations for further understanding of the mechanisms of breakage and secondary nucleation in crystal-crystallizer interactions.


Professor Patrick Frawley is an enthusiastic teacher who established with colleagues an internationally recognised course in Aeronautical Engineering at University of Limerick in 1993. He has extensive academic-industrial research experience having co-founded a process-modelling team for the development of the Aughinish Alumina (RUSAL) plant. The computational fluid dynamic work resulted in major modifications to the plant. He started and led a team in the Bernal Institute / SSPC that developed process modelling, building new tools that are key enablers for manufacturing pharmaceutical products in a faster way, reducing costs, and increasing the quality of medicines delivered to the public. He has graduated 16 PhDs, supervised 11 Research Fellows, and published over 82 high impact papers. He is a recognised expert in continuous manufacture and process analytical techniques, having over 30 years’ experience with industry and academia.