Innovation means bringing any new, problem-solving idea into use and requires an environment where people are empowered to innovate and put ideas into action.
In healthcare, it may be a novel idea, product, service or care pathway that has clear benefits when compared to what is currently done. At the national level, addressing the issue of healthcare quality may be motivated by various reasons – ranging from a general commitment to high-quality healthcare provision as a public good or the renewed focus on patient outcomes in the context of popular value-based healthcare ideas to the identification of specific healthcare quality problems.
Resources in the Mid-West to support healthcare innovation include:
Mid-West Steering Committee: contact
The Rapid Innovation Unit: supporting 3D printed solutions to healthcare challenges.
MSc Design for Health and Wellbeing: through education and training in short modules and masters programmes.
SPARK Funding: securing funds to support an innovative idea.

Rapid Innovation Unit (RIU)