Info graphic with the text 'KBS viewing Days' and the picture of a young woman smiling
Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Below are the arrangements for students who want to view their scripts for in-hall exams and/or who want to get a breakdown of their grade for assignment-based exams or on-line exams for Spring Semester 2022-23.


The KBS Viewing Days for spring exam scripts (business modules only) will take place on Tuesday 27 and Wednesday 28 June 2023.  The Viewing Days are for students who wish to view scripts for in-hall exams only. 

If you wish to view your script for an in-hall exam, please complete the form here. A separate form must be completed for each module.

Venue:  Rooms KB1-16 & KB1-17, both days.

Time:    10h00-16h00 (including lunch time)
This is a drop-in service – students are not allocated a specific time. 

The closing date for receipt of applications to view in-hall exam scripts is:  Thursday 22 June 2023 at 12h00. Applications cannot be accepted after this date.



If you wish to get a breakdown of your grade for assignment-based exams or online exams, please complete the form here.

A separate form must be completed for each module. You do not need to attend the Viewing Days.

The closing date for receipt of applications to get a breakdown of your grade is Thursday 22 June 2023 at 12h00Applications cannot be accepted after this date.

Please note that the above arrangements are for students who wish to view 'business' modules only (Accounting, Risk Management & Insurance, Economics, Marketing/Management and HR).  Should you wish to view Law, Maths, Language, History, Politics or Sociology modules please contact the relevant department(s) to check their viewing arrangements. 

Conditions for Viewing Exam Scripts – In-hall Exams:

  • Please complete the form here. A separate form must be completed for each module.
  • Closing date for receipt of applications to view scripts: Thursday 22 June 2023 at 12h00.
  • Students must produce their ID card to gain entry to the Viewing Room.
  • Students may not be accompanied in the Viewing Room.
  • Students are only allowed to view their script(s) and may not copy them.
  • Mobile phones are not allowed while viewing scripts
  • Calculator allowed
  • Scripts may not be removed from the Viewing Room.
  • Discussion on scripts is not allowed during the viewing process.
  • A third party may not view your exam script(s).

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