UL Research Week shows off the university's different and important research in various areas, focusing on how it helps society. It also talks about what's coming up in research and the difficulties we might face all in line with the university's research strategy, Wisdom for Action, which aims to foster a vibrant community valuing and supporting research excellence across all aspects of the organisation.
Research Week is taking place 29 April to 3 May with 29 events taking place across the week.
All faculties are hosting events over the five days, the Business School speakers present their research on;
Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Work on Wednesday May 1st from 11am to 12:30pm in room KBG-12.
Digitalisation and Artificial Intelligence represent frontier phenomena. As major developments they are rapidly transforming the very essence of work, organisations, and society.
Against the backdrop of both the increasing reach of digitalisation, and the rising capability of artificial intelligence, we bring together a panel of experts to present their research on this evolving field, and to discuss its shaping influence on our work, workplaces, and working lives.
Dr Martin Cunneen has a background is Wittgensteinian philosophy, ethics, and the governance of artificial intelligence. He leads UL’s Living Lab on Mixed Reality and Technology Ethics as part of the major Horizon Europe funded XTREME project. He focuses, in particular, on the nexus between AI innovation, commercialisation and social impact. The title of Dr Cunneen’s talk is “The Big Business of Artificial Intelligence”
Prof. Elaine Doyle is a Professor in Taxation at the Kemmy Business School. A Chartered Accountant and a Chartered Tax Advisor, she worked with PwC and EY before joining academia. Her research interests include professional ethics in tax practice, tax compliance, and ethical reasoning, and she has secured significant national and international funding to support her programme of research.The title of Prof. Doyle’s talk is “Artificial Intelligence and the Tax Practitioner”
Prof. Martin Mullins is a Professor in Risk and Insurance at the Kemmy Business School and a member of the Expert Group on Digital Ethics in Insurance. He is Co-Leader of the Emerging Risk Group. He has worked on several risk governance related research projects, including four major EU Commission funded projects. The title of Prof. Mullins’ talk is “Artificial Intelligence in Policing”
Prof. Stephen Kinsella is Professor of Economics and Head of the Department of Economics at the Kemmy Business School. He is also Director of UL’s Immersive Software Engineering programme and a member of the AI Advisory Council of Ireland.The title of Prof. Kinsella’s talk is “Artificial Intelligence, You and Me”
Dr Annmarie Ryan is Associate Professor in Marketing at the Kemmy Business School. Her research and teaching practice is concerned with understanding the complexities of the digital world with a focus on the shaping and reshaping of markets. She actively engages in transdisciplinary research. Her work is published in a range of high ranked peer review journals including Human Relations, Marketing Theory and Industrial Marketing Management.
Prof. Finbarr Murphy is Executive Dean of the Kemmy Business School and Associate Professor in Quantitative Finance and Emerging Risk. A former Fulbright Scholar and Erasmus Mundus Exchange Scholar, his research interests include quantitative finance and emerging technological risk. His research has been published in leading research journals including Nature Nanotechnology and the Review of Derivatives Research. He is currently engaged in several EU H2020 and Irish Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) projects.
Chair: Prof. Michael Morley, Assistant Dean Research, Kemmy Business School
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