REPPP Data Study 2018-2022
REPPP’s Data study is to make better use of evidence generated routinely in the youth justice system – in administrative and operational reporting and review processes – to inform youth justice practice and policymaking.
Baseline research, ‘Improving the Measurement of Effectiveness in the Irish Youth Justice System’ (2019) – presented case study analyses of the data processes used to measure effectiveness in youth justice systems worldwide – Ireland, Scotland, Sweden, England & Wales, the Netherlands, and the U.S. states of Pennsylvania and Washington.
The study found that efficient data collection and reporting processes are important components in developing and enhancing system capacities and ensuring that the outcomes of youth justice interventions align with system goals.
Experts in each jurisdiction believe system-wide measurement is required to support accurate assessments of youth justice responses. Most advocated standard data measurement systems in youth justice to assure the quality and performance of youth justice interventions and ensure implementation and service providers meet evidence standards.
The information and data reported mostly concerns contextual information (i.e., data determining the circumstances of youth crime and young offenders) and input and output information (i.e., data regarding system actions and service provision) and to a lesser extent the outcomes and impacts of these responses.
The Data Study (2019/2021) took a closer look at the youth justice system in Ireland. The study provided understandings of what is required build on and augment current data processes to develop and how to maximise the use of data collected in the youth justice system. We researched outcome measurement in youth services and particularly ways of measuring change in the social and emotional capabilities of young people participating in programmes.
In 2022, REPPP in partnership with An Garda Síochána will complete a case study of ‘whole system’ reporting (WSR). The purpose is to provide an overall analysis of the youth justice system in a defined period. A whole system report will provide policymakers, service providers and the public with multiple and cross-agency analyses of youth justice in Ireland. WSR statistics detail the flow of children (aged 12-17 years) through the youth justice system. Information about the number of children arrested/cautioned will be provided along with proven offences, sentences, numbers on remand, those in custody, and characteristics of children (demographics).