Gena Heraty BBS ’91 has completely dedicated her life to the children of Haiti, a country known to be the poorest in the western hemisphere. Its people, especially the children, are suffering from hunger and infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, meningitis, tuberculosis and malaria. Power cuts are a feature of life and only a minority have access to clean drinking water. What this means for many families is they are forced to make difficult decisions on how to spend their limited resources and often, families are forced to take a decision against any child who is handicapped. For several years now, Gena has been running a home for mentally and physically handicapped children in the “Haitian-highlands”. 

Gena was born in Carrarevaugh near Westport Co.Mayo. She went on to pursue a degree in Business Studies at the University of Limerick, graduating with honours in 1991. Gena then worked as a volunteer for Dublin Simon Community and in June 1993, she went to Haiti and has remained there since. 

Gena works for an organisation called Nos Petits Freres et Soeurs, part of a larger organisation called Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos ( which has orphanages in several countries in South America. In Haiti, NPFS has a children’s hospital, orphanage, home and external programme for children with special needs. Today, Gena lives in a home along with 30 special needs children and together with a small staff, is responsible for their care. All but three of these children were abandoned and there is no way of finding their families. As part of their external programme, Gena runs a day clinic where mothers of special needs children come daily with their children and receive physical therapy and care. 

Through her personal involvement, Gena, 37 gives these children “all the love a mother can give”, something these children need desperately. Gena now has plans drawn up to construct a large rehabilitation centre and building will start before the end of 2006. 


The above text is an extract from the 2006 UL Alumni Awards Souvenir Booklet.