Core Portal FAQ's

Core Portal - Annual Leave

Core Portal - Annual Leave - What does my opening annual leave balance show?

Your Annual Leave entitlement on Core is adjusted to included the 4 University Closure days in December. For example, if you are entitled to 30 days Annual Leave, it will show up as 26 days in your CORE account. 

Core Portal - Annual Leave - How do I book time off?

Core Portal - Annual Leave - How do I book time off?

Navigate to the Employee Dashboard and Select My Time.


On the My Requests Widget, select Book Time Off.


In the Leave Type box, you can select Annual Leave, Flexi Leave or Business Absences. Select Part day if it is a half day.


Fill out the remaining information and click submit.

Core Portal - Annual Leave - How do I View my Team Absences Before Approving/Rejecting a Leave Request?

Core Portal - Annual Leave - How do I View my Team Absences Before Approving/Rejecting a Leave Request?

It is possible to view the schedule of all of your direct reports before you approve/reject any leave requests.


Before you approve/reject a leave request you can select the View Details Button button on the top right hand side of the pop up window.



In the View Team Absence pop up window, you can see at a glance who is in the office, when, and which dates leave has been taken or is booked for.


Core Portal - Annual Leave - Is it Possible to View the Leave Balance of an Employee Before Approving/Rejecting Their Leave Request?

Core Portal - Annual Leave - Is it Possible to View the Leave Balance of an Employee Before Approving/Rejecting Their Leave Request?
  1. It is possible to view the leave balance of an employee before approving/rejecting their leave request. Select the View Details Button on the top right hand side of the pop up window and click balances.


The employee’s balance will then be displayed in a pop up window and you can decide to approve/reject their leave request with knowledge of their remaining balance.


Core Portal - Annual Leave - Submitting & Approving Annual Leave Requests

Core Portal - Annual Leave - Submitting & Approving Annual Leave Requests
1. Please ensure you are looking at the employee dashboard if you are also an acting manager in UL:
2. From here navigate to the ‘My Time’ tab on the left hand side:
3. Select ‘Book Time Off’ from the dashboard:
4. From this screen you can select the start and end dates of your leave, (or if it is to be a
½ day)
a. You can also add any comments you want your manager to see in relation to this leave, please note the comments are not mandatory.


Approving/rejecting a leave request

1. On logging in to Core Portal you will land on the Manager Dashboard. Navigate to the Approvals tab on the left hand side:
2. All leave requests will be visible here. (Please note it often takes up to 15 minutes for these to appear. If your direct report submits a request it may not appear instantly).
3. By selecting the View button on the right hand side you can either approve or reject the request.
4. Please tick the confirmation box before approving or rejecting the request.
Once approved, the following notification appears

Core Portal - Flexitime - How do I clock in and out?

Core Portal - Flexitime - How do I clock in and out?

On the My Time tab of the employee dashboard, you can clock in/out by clicking ‘Register Time’ on the My Clockings Widget

- Please remember to confirm your clocking by clicking ‘Register Time’ on the pop up you are presented with. 

- You will know your time has registered if the Last Clock Time below Register Time has been updated.

- You can view your clocking history by clicking the Actions drop down button.


In a normal day, you should ‘Register Time’ four times.

Core Portal - Flexitime – How Do I Submit a Missed Clocking?

Core Portal - Flexitime - How Do I Submit a Missed Clocking?

In the event that you forget to clock in or out you can record the missed clocking, which will be sent to your manager for approval. To record a missed clocking you must select the Actions menu in My Clockings on the My Time tab. (You can record a missed clocking up to four weeks in the past).

Once you have selected this drop down menu choose the option Missed Clocking Request. Enter the time of the missed clocking and enter an explanation in the narrative field.This missed clocking will be sent to your manager for approval.

Please note: you should enter the actual time of your missed clocking e.g. 09:00, not the amount of time you have missed e.g 2 hours 30 minutes.



Core Portal - General - Can I delegate managerial privileges to another team manager?

Core Portal - General - Can I delegate managerial privileges to another team manager?

The Delegation facility in Core Portal allows Managers the ability to delegate their team’s leave requests to another Manager in their absence. The delegation functionality allows Managers to delegate the approval or rejection of leave requests currently assigned to them to another Manager for a defined date range.

An example of a typical delegation scenario would be if the Manager of Work Group A was out of office on Annual Leave, and needed to allow his / her team’s leave requests to be processed as normal. Manager A would route the leave requests of his / her team to another manager, e.g. Manager B.

The delegation facility can be found on the Manager Dashboard of Core Portal and this facility allows a Manager to delegate their leave requests to another Manager for a specified period of time.

To have the delegation widget added to your managerial dashboard, please contact

1. Go to ‘Dashboards’ and then select the Manager Dashboard
2. Select ‘My Team’ and then select ‘Add Delegation’
3. A pop up window will appear as shown below:
5. For annual leave, select ‘Org Role’
6. Delegate To: Select the person who should be delegated to, you can type the Manager’s name and their details should begin to populate. Then select the Manager’s name that you require.
7. From Date: Select the start date of the delegation
8. To Date: Select the end date of the delegation
9. Reason: Enter a description / reason for the delegation
10. Checkbox: Tick the authorisation checkbox