I-grade applications for the autumn semester are now closed. Applications for the spring semester will open at the end of April.
I-grades can support a student who encounters issues that impact on your ability to sit your exams. Full information on I-grades is available in Section 4.2.3 in the Handbook of Academic Regulations and Procedures.
The I-grade process is designed to support students who find themselves in an immediate crisis and, where relevant, takes actions to avert recurrence. As per Regulation, I-grades will not be assigned in response to pleas of pressure of work.
It is important to note that you should not apply for an I-grade unless you are certain that you will not be able to complete all assessments in time or that you cannot sit a scheduled exam. Please note that if you attend and commence a scheduled exam, and exit that exam at any time before completing, you cannot apply for an I-grade. In the first instance you should contact your module leader to ascertain if there is a possibility to extend the submission date of any assignments due. Once an I-grade application is made, it cannot be withdrawn, irrespective of what assessment work you have done.
If an I-grade is approved, it will apply to the entire module for which it has been requested - it cannot be approved for part of a module.
An I-grade transfers the timing of examination and grading to a later date. It may have progression implications which you should explore with your course director or academic advisor before deciding to apply.
An I-grade does not accrue credits for a module.
Applicants must complete all sections of the application regardless of which category of I-grade you are selecting.
Incomplete applications are not valid and will not be seen as evidence of application. Only completed applications will be considered once the deadline has passed. If an application is started before the deadline and is incomplete, and information is subsequently provided after the deadline, the application will not be considered.
There are five pathways under which you may choose to apply:
- Illness/condition, if within sufficient proximity to the examination/assessment to have a substantial and material effect;
- Death of a person close to the applicant including (but not limited to) a parent/guardian, sibling, spouse, child (or person to whom the applicant is in loco parentis), mother-in-law, father-in-law, grandparent, grandchild or any person who was habitually resident in the home of the applicant, if within sufficient proximity of the examination/assessment to have a substantial and material effect;
- Circumstances outside the control of the applicant, which make it legally, factually, or physically impossible for the applicant to attend an examination / assessment or if within sufficient proximity to an examination/assessment to have a substantial and material effect;
- Pregnancy and related issues;
- Other circumstances that the Incomplete (I) Grade Committee considers to be analogous to any of the aforementioned.
You will be given an opportunity to upload documentation that supports whichever pathway that you choose to have your application assessed. Please note that there is not a requirement to follow a particular template for documentation. It should succinctly and clearly show support for the pathway that applies best to your situation. In scenario No.5 above, in the absence of available documentation, please take the opportunity to complete the text box so that the I-grade committee can make its final decision in an informed manner.
Please note that the requirement to attend UL professional services (Chaplaincy, Counselling, Health Centre) to get documentary support for your application, is not necessary under these new pathways for I-grade.
If you are currently a client of the UL professional services and you intend to apply for an I-grade, then you can:
- Apply for an I-grade through the I-grade portal as normal.
- Inform the professional that you are working with that you are doing this and ask that they make note of your request so that they can submit supporting correspondence, if appropriate.
Please read the application process and requirements outlined when considering making an application.
The University I-grade Committee will meet to review all I-grade applications after the end of the examining period. Its decision is final. You will be able to view whether your I-grade application was approved when your results are published, and you will also receive a confirmation email on the day of release of results.
If you encounter difficulties with the online application or in accessing the portal, please log a call with ITD through TopDesk.
If you wish to understand the progression implications of an I-grade, you should contact your course director or academic advisor for advice before deciding to apply.
Information on I-grades for Medical School students
- For BMBS exams falling outside the dates when the University’s I grade online portal is open, paper-based [LINK TO APPLICATION FORM BELOW] I-Grade applications can be made to Academic Registry (AR) and these applications will be reviewed by the University’s I –grade committee.
- Students can submit their intent to apply for an I –Grade by submitting a ticket to Academic Registry via TopDesk
- Information on applying for I –Grades can be found in Section 4.2.3 of the Handbook of Academic Regulations and Procedures
- AR will accept I-Grade applications that are submitted within 5 days of the last scheduled BMBS Year 4 exam via this paper-based process. Students are advised to apply for an I-Grade only when they are 100% certain that the exam will not be undertaken.
- If a student has attended an exam, and outlines this in their I-Grade application, they will not be awarded the I-Grade according to current regulations.
- Students will be informed of I-Grade applications when exam results are released.
- Students are advised to discuss I-Grade applications with their module lead and/or course director as appropriate.
- Note that once an I-grade has been applied for, it cannot be withdrawn.