Erika Shanley has been a member of the ICU department for the last two decades in the UHLG during which time she has honed her clinical and managerial expertise and experience. She is currently working as an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Critical Care in ULHG. Her nursing life has always focused on the most critically ill patients in the hospital. Erika completed her nurse training in the UK and has 25 years’ of experience in Critical Care nursing both General ICU and Cardiothoracic patients. Her Qualifications include the ENB 100 and a Diploma in Critical Care from Cambridge University. In 2009 she completed an Honours Degree in IT Tralee and 2016 obtained an MSc in Respiratory Nursing from the University of Limerick. She completed a PG Diploma in Advanced Nursing Practice in Trinity College Dublin in May 2022. She has been invited to lecture in both UL and UCC to undergraduates and postgraduates including the Critical Care Foundation Programme. Erika was privileged to be Site Lead for UHLG for the pilot of the national initiative – Professional Development Plan and was invited on to the national Electronic Development Group in promoting a professional development plan for all nursing staff. She is currently the group lead in University Hospital Limerick Group for promoting Professional Development Plan (PDP) and also a leadership facilitator on the National Clinical Leadership programme. She is a member of the IACCN and the All Ireland Critical Care Nursing Research Steering Group. Her passion for and pride in nursing as a profession has been a key motivator throughout her career.
Contact Nursing and Midwifery
Health Science Building, North Bank Campus, University of Limerick