Audrey obtained a BSc (Hons) in Human Nutrition and Dietetics in 2003 from Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and Dublin Institute of Technology and a PhD in Nutrition in 2008 (TCD) where she was the lead dietitian on an EU (FP6) funded dietary intervention trial (LIPGENE Workpackage 1.2) investigating the effects of dietary fat on insulin resistance in Metabolic Syndrome. After a post-doctoral position at University College Dublin in the Nutrigenomic Research group, looking at the impact of genetic predisposition and response to dietary changes, she moved to Australia where she resided for 10 years, working in both the clinical (Alfred Health) and academic fields (La Trobe University). Audrey joined the School of Allied Health in July 2017 and is Professor and Discipline Lead for the MSc in Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

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