The School of Medicine offers postgraduate degrees including Doctor of Medicine (MD) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) (both traditional and structured).
For informal discussions regarding opportunities please contact:
Professor Colum Dunne
Director of Research
Telephone: 061-234703/086 0430739
Traditional PhD model:
The thesis is capped at a maximum of 270 ECTS (European credit transfer system) credits (90 credits =1 year), however long the research takes. The programme is in the form of a master-apprentice model, with research being the only focus.
Details can be found on the Faculty of Education & Health Science website
University of Limerick School of Medicine requires that all potential PhD/MD or Masters candidates submit a concise proposal for review by the Research Committee of the school. Once approved by the School of Medicine, a fuller formal submission may be made using the official university application form.
Please note that this application must include:
- Full CV of applicant and supervisors (to be attached separately).
- Affiliation of supervisors – both clinical and/or academic.
- Estimated costings and source of funding for the project.
- The proposed timeframe for the project, including proposed start and completion dates.
- A description of the proposed project (no more than 3 A4 pages in Times Font, size 10) that
- Clearly defines the research objectives and rationale;
- Includes a concise critical literature review of the subject area(s); and
- Demonstrates the originality of the proposed research work, by referring to published material;
- Contains an outline work-plan showing the main steps required to complete the research objectives including methodologies. If relevant, this work-plan should be accompanied by letters of support from any involved clinical sites.
- This does not need to be detailed, but should demonstrate that the candidate understands the steps and risks involved in working towards the research objectives.
Please forward applications to Medicine Research, School of Medicine, University of Limerick, Limerick Tel: 353 (0)61 234756 E-mail: medicineresearch@ul.ie