10am to 11am - Chair Yoga

The UL Yoga Society is holding a Chair Yoga session – the perfect opportunity to de-stress from exams. This session will be available both in-person and online.

Chair yoga, a gentle form of yoga done while seated or using a chair for balance, makes the practice more accessible to people with disabilities and/or balance issues. Chair yoga includes all parts of a regular yoga class such as Asanas (poses), meditation, and pranayama (breath work). It can positively impact concentration, coordination, balance, strength, flexibility, mobility and clearing your mind. This form of yoga is very welcoming and inclusive to new yogis but also to experienced practitioners.

To join us for this please register for either the online session  or the in-person session, located in the Dromroe Village Hall. Please note: places for the in person session are limited. 

If you have any questions or issues with registration, please contact 


12pm to 2pm - Webinar - Global Accessibility Awareness- Real Life Experience, and Accessible Teaching Webinar (online event) with James Cawley and Ann Gagné. 

12pm to 12.50pm: The real-life impact of accessibility by James Cawley, Business Development Executive, The Irish Centre for Diversity. 

James Cawley is a proud Disabled person from Co. Longford. He is the Business Development Executive with the Irish Centre for Diversity and provides guidance on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion to organisations in different sectors all across Ireland. James worked as a policy officer for a National Disabled Persons Organisation, lectured on the Disability studies course at Maynooth University and was a Secondary School Teacher. In his spare time, James is a Disability advocate, he loves to cook, swim, socialise and challenge policies, structures and systems that exclude people.

 This talk will explore James’ lived experience in navigating a world that simply wasn’t built with him in mind. We will also learn about accessibility broadly in the context of everyday living, access to Housing, Transport, Employment, Education, and Independent living.

12.50pm - 1.40pm: Holistic Approaches to Accessible Pedagogy by Ann Gagné, Senior Educational Developer, Accessibility and Inclusion Centre for Pedagogical Innovation, Brock University, Ontario, Canada.

There are many preconceptions and misconceptions about what accessible pedagogy is and the scope of accessible pedagogy in higher education. Awareness of the collaborative nature of the work needed to make our classes, institutions, and virtual spaces more inclusive to learners is key to understanding the impact of accessibility. This presentation will highlight some accessible pedagogical strategies that could be considered and will expand on areas where collaboration is required across the institution to support inclusivity and embed universal design in the work we do. The presentation will emphasise the lived experience and knowledge we bring to our institutions, which allows for authentic connections, multiple pathways, and a de-siloed approach.

1.40-2pm: Q and A


2-3pm UL Web Team and digital accessibility – what we are doing by Becca Laffan, Content Creator, The Web Team UL (online event)

Becca Laffan shares what the University of Limerick Web Team are up to in terms of advocating for digital accessibility. She’ll go into detail on training, how the team uses Silktide to monitor content on, our style guide, and the role digital accessibility plays in the redesign of the UL website.




10:30am  - ACCESSIBLE TECHNOLOGIES (in-person event)

Join us for an event in collaboration with Vision Ireland to explore the latest text-to-speech technology. This hands-on and interactive event, designed for staff and students, highlights available options for work, education and daily life. Discover how these tools can boost your productivity, support inclusivity and transform the lives of people who find reading challenging. 

This event takes place in the Special Collections room of the Glucksman Library, room GLO-068. The event will be on Wednesday, 15th May, at 10:30 am. Register to save the date in your calendar, and make sure to join us on the day for all or part of the session.


1pm to 2pm - DINE IN THE DARK EVENT (in-person event)

Have you ever wondered what it's like to experience a meal without relying on your sight? Join us for an unforgettable journey at our Dine in the Dark event. 

What: Delve into a unique dining experience as you enjoy a gourmet meal in complete darkness. By removing the sense of sight, you'll gain a deeper appreciation for the challenges faced by individuals with visual impairments and the importance of accessibility in everyday life.

 Why: This event is not just a typical dining experience. It's an opportunity to step into the shoes of fellow students and others with visual impairments for a brief moment. It's a powerful opportunity to raise awareness about accessibility and inclusivity and gain firsthand insights into the obstacles they face. 

When: Wednesday, May 15th, from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM. Location: River Cafe Millstream Court. Limited spaces available so reserve your spot today.

Don't miss this chance to deepen your understanding of accessibility issues and make a positive impact. Together, let's create a more accessible world for all.



2-3pm:  Digital accessibility: What is it, why it matters and the problem with ‘click here’ by Becca Laffan, Content Creator, The Web Team, UL. (online event)

In this webinar, Becca Laffan explains what web/digital accessibility actually is and why it matters before uncovering the serious problem behind two unassuming words used far too often: ‘click here’.



Student panel discussion 

1pm - 2pm: UL students will share their personal experience of accessibility and inclusion at UL.

This is a great opportunity to reflect on how UL (individuals or whole schools/faculties/units) can ensure a student experience that is inclusive and accessible to ALL students. 

Chaired by: Katie Martin, UL Student Life 
Staff and students welcome.

Venue: Online (Teams link @ Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 376 932 111 398

Passcode: JMQsDb)