We're located at:
Department of Work & Employment Studies
Kemmy Business School University of Limerick
Limerick, Ireland
T: +353 61 202380
Welcome to the Irish Association for Industrial Relations
The Irish Association for Industrial Relations was established in 1972. The Association was established in response to a growing need to develop and exchange knowledge on industrial relations at the national level, providing a forum for discussion and research. The Association is an independent voluntary organisation which does not represent any sectional interests or express views or opinions of its own. It is dedicated to promoting the study and understanding of industrial relations by discussion and research and, in doing this, it provides a forum for informed debate on issues affecting the workplace and the employment relationship in Ireland, Europe and globally. The membership is drawn from management, trade unions, academics, students and others interested in industrial relations and related topics.
An important activity of the IAIR is to host the Countess Markievicz lecture and James Connolly Memorial Seminar. Each year, speakers from a range of academic and practitioner backgrounds have provided an excellent contribution on topical issues in industrial relations. Prestigious national and international speakers have included Ivana Bacik, Finbar Flood, Professor John Kelly, Richard Hyman and Maria Lado.
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