The Centre for Irish-German Studies book collection is located on the second floor of the Glucksman Library.
The Gottschalk Collection, comprising several thousand items, which has been donated in 2019 by Jürgen Gottschalk is currently accessible in the Special Collection on the ground floor and is being catalogued.
The Gottschalk Collection covers a huge variety of different domains. There are many books from famous writers such as Joyce, Wilde or Beckett which are often translated into the German language. Another important part of the collection are travel guides as well as travel journals.

On top of this is the huge variety of children’s literature telling Irish fairy tales and legends as well as illustrated books.
The latter are often famous works including photographs or drawings in order to accentuate the storyline. Last but least, there are many older leather-bound books that are no longer printed today and no longer available to buy.
For more information and examples see The Gottschalk Collection
Other areas of the collection include the following items:
- Irische Literatur in deutscher Übersetzung
- Zeitgenössische englischsprachige Literatur in deutscher Übersetzung
- Irische Geschichte
- Keltologie
- Literaturwissenschaft
- Sagen, Märchen, Mythologie und Religion
- Reiseführer
- Deutsche Literatur über Irland
- Periodika, Zeitungsartikel, Sonstiges
- Politik, Wirtschaft, Interkulturelle Kommunikation
- DaF, Wörterbücher, etc
- Österreich und Schweiz
- Deutsche Geschichte
- Deutsche Kunst und Kultur
- (Spiel)Augen auf beim Umwelt-Kauf
- Deutschsprachige Literatur
- Audio / Video / CD-Rom (Language Resource Area)

For donations and support we would like to thank:
- Jürgen Gottschalk (Deutsch-Irische Gesellschaft Würzburg)
- dem Auswärtigen Amt
- Dr Rainer Gerold and Sybille Casanova
- Irish Embassy, Berlin
- Marguerite Kummin-Sterchi
- Konrad Sarge (Deutsch-Irische Gesellschaft Düsseldorf)
- Brigitte Weiser
- Monica Schefold
- Professor Dipl.-Ing. Diether Schlinke (Österreichisch-Irische Gesellschaft)
- der Schweizerischen, Deutschen und Österreichischen Botschaft
- der University of Limerick Foundation (Seedfunding)
- den folgenden Verlagen:
- Aufbau, Bastei Lübbe, C.H. Beck, Diederichs, Diogenes, dtv, Eichborn, Erin Edition, Eulen, Fischer, Four Courts, Gerstenberg, Haffmanns, Herder, Irland Journal, Kiepenheuer & Witsch, Klett, Knaur, Lamuv, LIT, Edition Nautilus, Niemeyer, Piper, Prestel, Reclam, Rotbuch, Rowohlt, Erich Schmidt, Steidl, Ullstein, Unrast, WBG, Die Werkstatt, WVT