We're committed to ensuring that all students, staff, and visitors can fully engage with our digital resources.
To achieve this, training our staff on digital and web accessibility is vital.
We offer training to help staff understand accessibility best practices, from designing accessible documents and course materials to creating web content that can be easily navigated by everyone, including those using assistive technologies.
Web accessibility training for UL.ie web editors
The UL Web Team provides training for our community of web editors. Web accessibility training is required for all new editors, and encouraged for existing ones.
Please contact the team via Topdesk to enquire about training.
Digital accessibility training for staff and students
UL's Educational Assistive Technology Centre (EATC) iprovides services to students and staff of the University, as well as parents, teachers, and others involved in primary, post-primary and third-level education.
Learn more about UL's Educational Assistive Technology Centre's services