An app to encourage the protection and conservation of endangered insects and other species
The goal of this project was to create an app that encourages people to get involved in the conservation and protection of endangered insects and other species that greatly influence our ecosystem. This was done with the creation of a multilevel application that quizzes the user on their knowledge of vulnerable insects and animals, with a reward of a plant being planted after completing a level. Each level will have short questions on a specific vulnerable species with multiple possible answers, with only one correct answer, If the user answers the question incorrectly, they must begin the level again. The level will. Have the same questions repeated when it is restarted, this way people can learn from their mistakes and create a greater understanding of the species that is the topic of the level. The plant that is planted as a reward will be a flower or a shrub that benefit the species.
The app was created through prototypes and user-testing, where the findings from the user-testing sessions were applied to the following prototype to create a more user-friendly design. The first prototype, was an analogue prototype made on Marvel, the second prototype was a Lo-Fi prototype created on Adobe XD using the results from the user-testing session to change what was necessary. The third prototype created was a Hi-Fi prototype on Adobe XD, once again adding and changing features of the app based on what was found in the user-testing session. The final design was created on Adobe XD, using the user-testing findings to once again change what was necessary to make it a user-friendly application.
Erin Smyth
Email: esmythux at gmail dot com
Website: www dot erinsmyth dot org