Grace Thomas FRCM MSc, RN, RM, Dip M, PGCE
Grace is a Reader in Midwifery and, until recently, was the Lead Midwife for Education at Cardiff University. She has now moved into the Senior Leadership Team at the School of Healthcare Sciences, taking on the role as Head of Health Professions, leading five professional programmes of midwifery, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, diagnostic radiography and radiotherapy & oncology.
Grace is the Director of the World Health Organisation Collaborating Centre (WHOCC) for Midwifery Development – one of only two WHOCCs globally which specifically focus on midwifery education. She is currently leading work to support midwifery education development in the Central Asian countries of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and has previously worked with colleagues in Romania. The WHOCC developed the Midwifery Assessment Tool for Education (MATE) which is published on the WHO EURO website:
A Midwife for over 34 years, Grace moved into academia after working across a variety of clinical and managerial roles, including as Consultant Midwife for 10 years. She has presented extensively, nationally and internationally and is a Trustee of the Iolanthe Midwifery Trust.
In 2021 Grace was awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of Midwives (RCM) UK and won the Leadership category at the RCM Awards.
Grace is delighted to be appointed as Adjunct Professor at the University of Limerick.
Contact Nursing and Midwifery
Health Science Building, North Bank Campus, University of Limerick