File Management in Brightspace: best practice


The Manage Files folder is similar to the 'Resources' folder you may be familiar with in Sulis, except that it is not visible to students. 

  • It is recommended that you arrange your files in the Manage Files folder, sorting them into properly titled folders according to week and theme.
  • This is good file management and will allow you to organise and sequence your material.  

In addition to the method shown above, there is a second way to add a file to your module. You will note that when you press: Add Existing/More/Course File/ that you can add a file directly into your course from your computer, without first adding it to your Manage files folder.  

Important: Although this method is a quicker way to add files, it is not recommended. While the newly uploaded file would appear on the front end of the module, the file disappears into the Manage files folder in the background. If you want to later replace that file or delete it next semester because it is out of date, it will be difficult for you to find the file to delete, update or swap it out.  


To understand why you should upload files using the Manage Files folder, view a 3 min video on this topic (audio included).