About Submission views

To release the submission view to learners immediately upon completion of the quiz, on the Edit quiz page > Assessment tab, select the Auto-publish attempt results immediately upon completion check box.

Submission views are set up in terms of a default view and an additional view. The default view enables all learners, for instance, to see their final quiz score immediately after submitting the quiz. An instructor could edit the default view and show:

  • questions answered incorrectly
  • questions answered correctly
  • all questions without user responses, or
  • all questions with user responses

Displaying a detailed submission view to all learners immediately after submitting a quiz would work if all learners take the quiz at the same time. However, if learners are completing the quiz at different times, and the instructor wants to ensure that learners do not share the answer key with other learners, the instructor may choose to create an additional submission view. This additional view only appears to learners when instructors publish the feedback on a quiz attempt.