
I am a PhD student studying the stimulation of Bioactives production in seaweed for use as an animal feed supplement at Queen’s University Belfast, School of Natural and Built Environment. In 2022, I graduated with first class honours in MSci Zoology with Professional Studies from QUB School of Biological Sciences. My integrated masters projected focused on RNA interference techniques for Biomphalaria glabrata, the gastropod host for the neglected tropical disease schistosomiasis. The primary focus being on developing new molecular methods for schistosomiasis vector control. Prior to this, my honour’s project studied the animal energetics – the relationship between heart rate, life history characteristics and morphology in mammals. 

SeaFEED Research

My PhD will focus on studying natural factors, such as, UV levels, temperature, nutrient availability, and exposure to hydrodynamics that can influence bioactive concentrations in brown seaweeds. The main aim of this project is to determine if natural stressors can be found to stimulate the production of these bioactives and to determine the best factors that could be used to optimise growth to ensure stable concentrations in the brown seaweeds.