Helping staff develop their students' writing

The Writing Centre wishes to share its expertise with disciplinary experts to further student learning and performance.

We are ready to collaborate with subject specialists in the development of:

  • Writing-to-learn activities/writing as a learning tool
  • Clear assignment questions
  • Clear criteria for grading written work
  • Written and spoken feedback on written work
  • Peer response exercises
  • Group projects

Supporting staff's own writing development

The Regional Writing Centre offers the following resources for staff:

  • One-to-one staff consultations on writing for publication
  • Writers' Retreats
  • Group workshops and seminars 
  • Workshops for teachers of writing in disciplines
  • Modules on writing for publication

In addition, the Writing Centre is available to collaborate with staff on the design of writing materials and workshops tailored to students' specific disciplinary writing needs.

Faculty writers' retreat

The purpose of our Faculty Writers' Retreats is to 'kick-start' the writing process for interested faculty who are struggling to start, to progress or to finish a coherent piece of work (e.g. a journal article or a book chapter).

The Writers’ Retreat provides a facilitative, supportive environment for faculty to write for publication. In addition, writing as a member of a group, where distractions such as e-mail are minimised, serves as an additional incentive and creates a productive work atmosphere. 

Participants are expected to do as much preparation as possible in advance of the retreat so as to maximise time for writing, and each participant should be prepared to share in seminar format something of the struggles and triumphs of their writing process during the retreat.

Some structured short seminars, advice on writing and individual reviews will form part of the programme.

Workshops for teachers of writing in disciplines