Congratulations on being selected as a recipient of a University of Limerick honorary doctorate. You will receive a letter from the Vice President Academic Affairs & Student Engagement confirming the date, time (usually 16h00) and venue of the ceremony. In advance of the ceremony, you will be required to provide the following:
- How you wish your name to appear on the parchment and in the conferring booklet
- A list of guests you may wish to invite
- A black and white photograph (head and shoulders, 13 x 9 cm) for inclusion in the Roll of Honour
- Your height (for robes)
You will be provided with your robes, i.e. gown, hood and cap, which you may retain as a memento of the occasion.
The Ceremony
- Nominees, proposers and members of Governing Authority, Academic Council and staff are robed and form the academic procession.
- The Vice President Academic Affairs & Student Engagement opens and closes the ceremony.
- The Chancellor or President delivers a welcome address.
- Each nominee is usually introduced by a senior academic, whose address (i.e. citation) should not be longer than eight minutes' duration.
- The President confers the honorary degree by presenting a suitably inscribed parchment.
- Each recipient is invited to sign the Roll of Honour, which includes a photograph of the recipient and a printed copy of the citation. The President and Chancellor also sign the Roll of Honour.
- The ceremony concludes and the academic procession leaves.
Click here for a map of the campus and car parks.
For further information please contact:
Telephone: 061-202118 / 237991