Thursday, 26 November 2020

This Government initiative (July stimulus) provides funded college places for students to undertake fulltime, part time of modular programmes.These upskilling measures are aimed at helping people return to the workplace or education and form a further response to the impacts of the global pandemic, providing up skilling and reskilling for those who have been most affected and ensuring that they will have the skills most needed by employers today.  These courses also focus on future proofing the skills of those in employment particularly in roles that may be impacted by digitalisation. To find out more on these funded programmes click here.


The Specialist Diploma in Airworthiness is a 30 ECTS professional postgraduate qualification (NFQ Level 9) delivered fully online.

The course meets technical education needs which have been recognised by the aviation industry, covering:

  •  Initial airworthiness; design and certification of aircraft materials, structures and systems, and

  •  Continuing airworthiness; aircraft maintenance, reliability, airworthiness management, aviation human factors and safety.

This course is comprised of five modules, delivered part-time over one year in a fully-online mode, via the UL’s Learning Management System (LMS), suiting the needs of working professionals in Ireland and overseas.