
John Perry is Head of Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences. Previously, John has held lecturing positions at several UK universities and senior positions at Mary Immaculate College. John is an experienced sport psychology practitioner and researcher. His primary research interests are in mental toughness, stress, and coping, where he has contributed to many publications and delivered conference talks all over the globe.

As a practitioner, John has vast experience working with sports teams and individuals, including professional football, golf, and GAA.

Research Interests

John Perry's primary research interests are mental toughness and the psychometric assessment of personality. John is highly accomplished in statistical analyses and the development of measurements in psychology. He is also interested in temporal psychology and wellbeing.

Peer Reviewed Journals


Snitches get stitches and end up in ditches: A systematic review of the factors associated with whistleblowing intentions

Nicholls, Adam R. and Fairs, Lucas R. and Toner, John and Jones, Luke and Mantis, Constantine and Barkoukis, Vassilis and Perry, John L. and Micle, Andrei V. and Theodorou, Nikolaos C. and Shakhverdieva, Sabina and et al. (2021) Snitches get stitches and end up in ditches: A systematic review of the factors associated with whistleblowing intentions. Frontiers in Psychology


Pleasant emotions widen thought–action repertoires, develop long-term resources, and improve reaction time performance: A multistudy examination of the broaden-and-build theory among athletes

Thompson, Mark A. and Nicholls, Adam R. and Toner, John and Perry, John L. and Burke, Rachel (2021) Pleasant emotions widen thought–action repertoires, develop long-term resources, and improve reaction time performance: A multistudy examination of the broaden-and-build theory among athletes. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology :155–170-


The susceptibles, chancers, pragmatists, and fair players: An examination of the sport drug control model for adolescent athletes, cluster effects, and norm values among adolescent athletes

Nicholls, Adam R. and Levy, Andrew R. and Meir, Rudi and Sanctuary, Colin and Jones, Leigh and Baghurst, Timothy and Thompson, Mark A. and Perry, John L. (2020) The susceptibles, chancers, pragmatists, and fair players: An examination of the sport drug control model for adolescent athletes, cluster effects, and norm values among adolescent athletes. Frontiers in Psychology


A balanced time perspective: Is it an exercise in empiricism, and does it relate meaningfully to health and well‐being outcomes?

McKay, Michael. T. and Worrell, Frank. C. and Zivkovic, Urška and Temple, Elizabeth and Mello, Zena. R. and Musil, Bojan and Cole, Jon C. and Andretta, James R. and Perry, John L. (2018) A balanced time perspective: Is it an exercise in empiricism, and does it relate meaningfully to health and well‐being outcomes?. International Journal of Psychology :775–785-


Committed relationships and enhanced threat levels: Perceptions of coach behavior, the coach–athlete relationship, stress appraisals, and coping among athletes

Nicholls, Adam R and Levy, Andrew R and Jones, Leigh and Meir, Rudi and Radcliffe, Jon N and Perry, John L (2016) Committed relationships and enhanced threat levels: Perceptions of coach behavior, the coach–athlete relationship, stress appraisals, and coping among athletes. International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching :16–26-


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Book Reviews

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Other Publications

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