Tuesday, 2 September 2014


Senator Ivana Bacik launched the UL Report “A Life Free From Fear – Legislating for Hate Crime in Ireland: An NGO Perspective” in Dublin on Tuesday 2nd Sept 2014. The Report was written by Jennifer Schweppe from the A life free from fearSchool of Law along with Dr Amanda Haynes and Dr James Carr of the Department of Sociology at UL, and at the launch Senator Bacik said, “The Life Free from Fear Report shows that hate crime is a very real phenomenon in Ireland today, which effects a multiplicity of communities. People are targeted because of their sexual orientation, gender, including gender identity, race, religion, disability, age, ethnicity, including membership of the Traveller Community and sometimes for a combination of these personal characteristics. The report shows that the current legal regime is incapable of addressing hate crime, and that legislative change is required. Crucially, the report also presents useful proposals for the appropriate legislative model, and this is particularly welcome”.

For more details, see http://www.rte.ie/news/2014/0902/640804-hate-crime/