
Title: Netiquette and Communicating Online

Description: Knowing how to communicate with others is vital when learning online. It allows everyone to focus on their learning experience rather than developing anxieties around participation. In this workshop, we will discuss the importance of having an agreed set of guidelines or ‘netiquette’ regarding how you communicate with teaching staff and fellow students.

Duration: 30 minutes

This workshop will run on

  1. Wednesday Sept. 29th @ 2:00pm (Register here)
  2. Tuesday Oct. 5th @ 2:00pm (Register here)
  3. Thursday Oct. 21st @ 2:00pm (Register here)


Presenters: Mike Wride, Centre for Transformative Learning, and Sinead Spain, Centre for Transformative Learning/Graduate & Professional Studies

Download workshop materials: | Slides |

Target Audience: All UL students


Phone: 061 234652

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