Join us for an interactive and engaging workshop on "Fertiliser Futures", an integral part of the ReNu2Cycle project focused on innovations in fertilising and exploring recycled derived fertiliser modes. This event is open to all stakeholders, including farmers, advisors, start-ups, and businesses in the fertiliser sector. The workshop aims to foster collaboration, share knowledge, and discuss the future of fertilising practices in farming.
ReNu2Cycle is a Living Lab project maximising the use of recycling derived fertilisers, through long-term co-innovation and implementation support. The project is currently running in 5 European countries and is co-funded by Interreg North West Europe.
The overall objective is to reduce NWE's dependency on fossil-based fertiliser imports with proven impacts on availability, ecological foot-print and price stability via transregional valorisation of recycled NPK from municipal, industrial waste and agricultural sector in Flanders, The Netherlands, Ireland, Saarland, Lower Saxony, Luxembourg. For more on Renu2Cycle see: https://renu2cycle.nweurope.eu.
This event will be led by Associate Professor Achim Schmalenberger, Microbiology at the University of Limerick, (https://www.ul.ie/research/dr-achim-schmalenberger https://www.linkedin.com/in/achim-schmalenberger-42870938/)
Associate Professor Annmarie Ryan, Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of Limerick (https://www.ul.ie/research/dr-annmarie-ryan linkedin.com/in/drannmarieryan) and
Dr. Amy Mathers, Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Limerick (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dramymathers).
Register for the event here: